i love my mike.

Jan 16, 2005 20:41

mike reads this all the time, & i didn't even know. he's so adorable... i love him. so much. i have no idea how i got so lucky, but im glad i did :)

my camera is pretty crappy, therefore the pictures are pretty crappy... but at least they're pictures so its all good.

this is mike washing my car... in the middle of the winter... haha

i can never take a serious picture of mike if he knows im trying to take one :) but hes so cuuuuute so i dont mind

i was looking through my pictures... and found this random one of kevin reid and james dann. quality picture right hurrrrr haha

brian cormier ROCKIN OUT in my living room... i'll have this when he's famous someday... haha :)

not sure if you can even really see this... but this is what happens when you pour salt on someone's hand & press & hold an ice cube on top of the salt. it ends up as a weird burn... but at first it doesn't even hurt so the person you're doing it to has no clue what you're doing lol good restaurant prank to pull. its fun.

ok wow those were the most random group of pictures EVER. the end.

..PS.. did anyone notice my new LJ layout? its kind of hard to miss :) haha this is what happens when i'm bored, no one is answering their phones, & i have nothing better to do... peaaaaace out

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