Title: tangerine dream (on an orange background)
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: Kato/Masuda
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not associated with Johnny's Entertainment. This is fiction; it never happened.
A/N: For
shigefan1992 , as part of my
Happy Birthday!!! event. Not beta'd or proofread, so let me know if you spot any errors, please.
That's the best kind. )
Comments 6
I'm loving the story-like (almost as if in a play, great tie-in!) feel to this and the way you're writing the I'm-so-not-falling-for-this-person Shige. He analyzes way too much, but that's why he's so great :D Last line was just adorable, kind of bittersweet.
Thanks for reading :3
It was very sweet, and the bashful interaction between the two was so them. It's exactly what I like about the pairing =D
That last line was really cute too! and leaves hoping the two do end up sharing that bitter orange.
Seriously I loved this, thanks for writing it <3
Thanks for requesting!
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