Title: The Stolen Child
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: No Pairing; Tegoshi-centric
Rating: PG-13 (Lightly dark, possibly confusing, and maybe a bit crazy)
Disclaimer: Not associated with Johnny's Entertainment. This is fiction; it never happened.
Summary: He blossomed, grew, changed, and the world shifted and changed with him, folding around this odd creature
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Comments 6
This made me teary. And it made me thought if Tegoshi's mother is like that, but of course not. The last line is awesome! I love this ♥
And the new banner is cool! And also the background!
Thanks for reading!
(YAY! I'm glad you like the new banner =D I figured it was time for a change♥)
The original is a story I absolutely loved when I read it. Just like in that one, the lack of explanation on how he could've disappeared into the mirror gave the 'it could happen to you' feel that - in my opinion - makes horror so scary.
I loved the original too. So creepy and unsettling. I thought it was really great. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do anything that really did it justice XD
Thanks for reading!
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