Title: Must be Magic (AKA Pi the Pirate)
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: Yamashita/Kato, hints of Tegoshi/Masuda, blink-and-you-miss-it Kato/Koyama
Rating: PG (Maybe language?)
Disclaimer: Not associated with Johnny's Entertainment. This is fiction; it never happened.
Summary: Yamapi is a pirate. But lately, boats aren’t enough for him anymore. He’s lonely and
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Comments 20
(Eh, I'm still kind of partial to ninjas. But Pirate Pi has such a good ring to it, I couldn't resist.)
Thank you, darling!
Crack does make the world go round, at least in writing.
loved it
thank you so much for sharing
YAYAYYYYYAYYY CICI-CHAN IS WRITING AGAIN! (Victory!) I'm glad you're writing other pairings; I know the reservations one might have but to be honest, you're pretty damn good at writing other pairings than TM :) LOVELOVELOVE oh yeah! Did you ever send me those character sheets?
Anyway. I love pair Pi and his magical maps and all this alliteration is making me smile )))))))
Great work!!!!!
I'm glad too! I adore TM, but my real goal when I started writing for NEWS was to be one of those writers who writes everything under the sun. I'm not picky at all when it comes to pairings; the only reason I stuck with tegomass exclusively for as long as I did was because they were the two I was the most familiar/comfortable with, and I didn't want to write the others until I had their personalities down. (Which is why I started those drabbles! Practice XD)
Doh! I meant to, but I need your email again XD PM it to me, yeah?
Pirate Pi is kind of awesome. I really love the way this fic turned out. It's one of the best things I've written in a while, I think =]
Thank you for reading♥
NEWS is kind of...irresistible. So compelling :)))))
I'm excited for remix reveals :) Can't wait.
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