Title: Sweet Home
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: Masuda/Tegoshi
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Tadaima, he thinks, and it feels more natural than anything else in the world.
A/N: I felt a bizarre urge to write sleepy!TegoMass smut. So I did. This marks my first attempt at smut in this fandom, so yay! Another milestone down!
Sleepy smut FTW! )
Comments 18
If you haven't read them yet, there are two multi-chap TegoMass fics on this community (Break (With Me) and Chirarizumu), as well as another one-shot, all three of which can be found through the table of contents :3
Thank you for reading!
oh god, this was so sexy.
I didn't think you was good in this kind of topic but hey! you are xD asdadsad and I liked it specially because I could tell they were very much in love while having sex. That's difficult to write but I definitely felt it reading this!
Tegomass is the perfect couple~♥
thank you ;D!
Thanks for reading♥
Thanks for reading!
I love that they're sweet with each other even when it's hot XD
and you can feel how much they love each other, which is always nice. not just smut for smut sake♥
thank you♥
Thanks for reading, bb!
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