Oct 20, 2009 21:33
once again looking for a room mate. pretty awesome how some things get so fucked up in a matter of hours.
going to enjoy the last few weeks living with lovey then i may be back in ol' pc for a few weeks
driving to and from bert's house multiple times a week is going to drive me crazy
but his promises to come see me in polk city all the time makes me worry a lot less
i'm in love.
and it's been reaffirmed 100% in the last 3 days
i'm so happy it would make you puke.
I'm over stupid people
i'm done putting myself in even remotely uncomfortable situations
it's not going to be hard for us to completely avoid situations where this might happen.
I'm glad we're in agreement on this issue.
life's about to get rather difficult,
but im ready because i have an amazing family and boyfriend by my side.
love. love. love.