Tiring 3 days...

Jun 19, 2004 22:32

Thursday-Casey came over and we went 2 Buffaloe Wild Wings and we were able 2 catch up on soo much talking! Then we walked 2 Baristas n I got an ice coffee thing and she got ice cream- oo0o0o major yummay!- My mom came and picked us up and we just sat on my bed talking about EVERYTHING while eating cherries then she had 2 go :( Mann I Love You Casey!!

Friday-Woke up and 8:30 b/c my mom was like yelling at my sister n i couldn't go back 2 sleep so I just layed around then my sister woke up and she was gunna go up 2 dodge park n jog n I wanted 2 come so we went tanning first then jogged at dodge park-OMG we jogged like 10-12 miles...we thought the trail went all the around in a circle but it didn't so we had 2 turn around and go back...we weren't done completly until like 2 hours later...whoa i'm tired..Anyways my mom supposivly "grounded" me but later I asked 2 spend the night at Jackie's and she said yes- she's so weird i swear!- I didn't get 2 Jackie's until like 10 since we picked up Jessie 2 for a GiRl'S NiGhT bAbY!! Josh and Nick were there but they only stayed until 11 and I was just 2 hyper last night it was soo funny!! I <3 You Girlz so much!! (I think Jackie needs a new bed!!) haha good times!

Saturday-Josh, Sean, and Nick came 2 Jackie's at like 12:45 and we just went outside the whole time then went in the house and played gamecube downstairs (( haha that made some laughs-you guys r so mean, I SO TRIED BEATING THOSE LEVELS!! lmao)) Anywho they left around 5 and Jessie left around 8 i think but we had sum funny ass times with me n that hair moose haha!! At like 8:30 Jackie and I rode all the way 2 Josh's house b/c we wanted 2 see his puppies sooo bad so I just couldn't wait for another day we had 2 go then so we got out Jackies bikes (lmao) and rode all the way down 14 where I almost got hit, Jackie fell off her bike and hit a railing, biker guys hitting on us, and just all these ppl honking and here 2 got these 2 girls on bikes scared shitless b/c it was so close 2 the road...ahh shiit that was fun!!! Well we made it 2 Josh's ((picked up Jessie real quick))and his parents weren't home so it was just me, Josh, Sean, Jessie, Nick, and Jackie...o0o0o what a GrEaT combination!! We didn't stay very long but at that moment, I was happy 2 be in Josh's arms..mind the fact that he looked Effin HoTt in his muscle shirt-AHH!!We couldn't stay for long b/c it took us like 20 min. just 2 get there and we stayed for like 20 min. and we still had 2 ride home n get there b4 my mom came 2 pick me up...The whole time where when we were riding home I kept thinking about Josh and how much I wanted him lmao then Nick goes and tells him!! GRRR!! Funny shiit...anyways we made it home and I got picked up then I go into my room and my mom opens up the door and was like "Jen, I got some bad news..." and my heart just like dropped..i was like "what" and then my dad comes out of no where and says "I'm sry Jenna, but George died last night and we didn't want to ruin your day." Well I lost it and cried for awhile then I called Jackie 2 tell her...I feel kinda empty right now...so i'm out..Comment if you want...Wow awesome day but I wish I never came home :(

R.I.P George-I Love You!!

hehe I'm Jessie's Naughty Girl :D
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