Nov 16, 2006 14:41
so fall semester is almost over and it feels like it flew by, however graduation feels like it was forever ago. I've been catching p alot of old friends lately and quite frankly it amazes me. People change so fast and i swear i wouldnt recognize them now. Not jsut in looks either but attitudes and personality and jsut yea. I guess college really does change people i however do not feel like i've changed at all maybe i'm wrong or maybe i've always jsut been me and there is nothign to change. I feel like i could never go back ot highschool and that i've seperated from it so much within the last few months. I miss some people and others i realize arent as important as i once htoguht. I know what my mom was tlakign baout now when she says in college you find the friends who will last and be like you've known them forever...i've found them.
Right now Im sick bleh. i'm getting better but had a real bad mornign this mornign cuz of it. but mornign quicly improved with a pop quiz that was easier than anythign else in that class and getting out early.
I cant wait til thanksgiving i've been craving that meal for a good 3 weeks now and its almost here :) I'm gonna be home for a week for it. I leave sunday night and i get back here monday night. I need to do christmas shopping, however, money does help with that and i'm lacking it right now.I start workign again tom. I'm so excited and i'm with a good friend from summer work :) I hope tom. is prettier than today cuz today its all rainy and characters dont go out when it rains.I have 2 mor classes til i'm done for the week and the week after :) that makes me really excited.
Danielle calling me yesterday morning and me thinking it was a dream was way too funny i love that gloria estefan reminds her of me lol jared and mine's 15 month is on sat. :) i'm so happy htat i get to be home with him so much next week!
There is no other big isues going on right now typical family go arounds, roomate stuff liek that we've all been sick for wayyyyy too long, and finals coming up. I really want a real tree here for xmas fake trees take away my holiday spirit i may get a little real 1 for my room. And I get to pick out the 1 for home :)
I havent written a long entry liek this in a while i guess right now i'm jsut patient enough to write it. I want to cook and bake but i'm going home in a couple days and therefor havent stocked my fridge with anything. I'm gonna bake so much while i'm home :) I want to havea sleepover with danielle and adrienne again when i get home liek irght before we left but who knos if that'll happen i doubt it guess i'll wait til summer or something.
well i'm out....byebyeeeee