May 12, 2004 16:02
yeah..last night..i really wanted bad i wanted too...i couldnt give into temptation..i want to prove that i can go a month without cutting..its been 24 days.. and that i'm not a weak person and gives into temptation..i want to be strong and wise..right now..i'm really trying to better and what not..i'm trying harder in school...(or at least i think that i am..) and last night talking to t.c.<3 on the phone made alot of things better..i was trying to pick apart a new razorblade when i was talking to him..and i couldn't do i did last time so i gave up..he really is one of the greatest things that has happened to me..and i cant wait to see him on saturday..with my love tara<3...
i'll be a better person of these days..i really feel my old self coming backk into my blood..i'll be more confident. more responsible. more self respect. more all those things...i just cant hurt myself anymore...or those ones that care....
((i will become a better person..i promise..))