Aug 05, 2004 09:00

Welp let me start with last night,

I actually might not be going to Penns Manor for much longer, this summer has been a werid one I've been getting hate mail from girls from school meaning thro my e-mail. Don't know what I did to them, but I think it's because of the Comet Princess thing and all thoses rumors they started but I don't care about their skank ass's. I showed John one of the e-mails and he's ready to show up at a football game and strangle them. I think that would be pretty funny to see but then he'd get into trouble since he'll be 18 soon.

Tomorrow is my party! yay! for Nicole's party (remember it's my half birthday wooo)

NINA FOOTBALL GAME SEPT 3rd against Homer Center bitch! we're sitting our ass's on Homers side mwhaha I'm doubting PM once again (the guys have a sign counting down the days in the weightroom it's the funniest thing ever)
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