May 23, 2004 18:22
i finally have a new layout up it's a tulip theme as you can see for the upcoming summer, i didn't know what else i could put up so i stuck with flowers. okay to start from the beginning. . .
The first day was pretty boring, it's like everything they were telling us, we already knew so there was no fun in the tours. The pool party was alright i had fun hanging out with everyone...the pool and hot tub were all grimy and stuff...ewww haha. Ghost walk was a pain in the ass...i had to pee soo bad. Actually it was me bridget and brendon who had to pee really bad we couldn't stand still it was actually pretty funny, haha tiny tank. The night in the hotel room was awesome haha calling everyone was great, we stayed up to erm.. 5 and had to wake up at 6. The next day, more tours in maryland and virginia they were okay but still boring. That night we went to the Sports Complex and that was so terrible i ended up crying and being pissed at a lot of people, i don't really want to write about it. We tried staying up again but i only lasted till like 1 or something i was so tired. Next morning was pretty good because we got to walk around for like 2 hours in the hotel and have "parties". We then went to the wax musuem, that was pretty scary and smelly. Then we finally got to go home, i was so glad. The bus ride home was awesome though i actually had fun we were all fooling around with my digital camera, yah so that was my trip to Gettysburg it was just really boring
when i got home i fell asleep right away, i woke up like 8 to aaron texting me thinking i was amanda i was pretty pissed off i was sleeping so peacefully
my parents left for the shore again so check up on the house. Then i went over Kate's house for Liz's Graduation. it was fun. they had this thing were you signed your name and there were like really random pictures of things on there it was pretty funny. somewhere around 4 Bridget came over and we just hanged out some more, then at 6 Amanda Beal came over and we talked a lot. we had a water balloon catch..haha that was pretty fun. and i had my first smore (yeah i know i'm really weird for not ever having a smore before) it was excellent. then went home around 11 and rented Big Fish and You Got Served i already saw big fish, good movie by the way and well You Got Served was awesome, well the acting was terrible and looked like a low budget movie but the dancing was amazing...i wish i could dance like that.
i barely did anything
i got new glasses though....the eye doctor was a pushy bitch and were never going back there again, she was trying to scam us and we were like uhh no, nice try though. Got home and got this new layout up and running i still need a little modifications though. i'm gonna start drawing again, i left a lot of my pictures unfinished and i want to make them look nice so i think i'm gonna go start them now
putting up the pictures from LongWood Gardens and Gettysburg up later