May 04, 2004 22:11
Ok so tonight Erin IMs me and talks about some camp thing that she wants me to do now and tha I wanna do too. So that started a phone convo between Erin and I. By then the only other person I was IMing was Jen. so I told Erin about Jen's IM comments so Erin makes me type responses from her to Jen. So we aks Erin if she has 3 way on her phone. Well she did so we had a 3 way convo. It was soo much fun. The only bad thing was that Jen and Erin sound the exact same almost on the phone so I could never tell who I was talking to. Erin's voice seemed closer than Jen's did but they have the exact same laugh. Erin had an Elmo laugh though. We decided that Jen is Jewish too. She denies it but me and Erin both say she sounded Jewish. I was in my room at 1st talking to both of them but then my mom was like your so loud so I went down into the basement to my sis's make shift room type of thing and that seemed like it was ok with the mom. Erin and I have met up 4 times only 3 of those on purpose but have never phone chatted before so that seemed weird. Erin had said for a while now that "Tiny Dancer" is her song and today Jen backed me up saying it was my song so Erin finally caved and said it used to be her song but now it's mine so Yay for me and Elton John. The first time Jen called me I told Erin that they sound alike and Erin told Jen I said hat and my point was proven tonight. Thursday we are going to have a cryathon after Friends and we'll prolly try to watch a bit of ER too but I doubt we'll get ER in there. Umm so my hands kinda hurtin typing this so that's it for the 3 way phone chat with my twin and twafain(Erin). See below entry for Oldies song of the day.