
May 22, 2005 00:12

i was reading an entry that jakki posted and it made me think
i wish i could go back in time too
i would of done so many things different
i would probably be so much happier now
with the people/person i wanna be with
i would go back and now screw up like i did...
i would tell people how much i love them before its too late
i would stop people from doing stupid things
i would stop that one person from ruining their lives before its too late
i would be happier. period. if that person was in my life right now i would be happier
everyone knows it when i was with him i was such a happy person, i was alive
now that he isnt here anymore, im just not the same person but neigther is he, and i cant change that
no matter how hard i try i cant 4get him. i wish i could
i wish someone could do something to just make him run out of my head like he was never there before
like he was never a part of my life
i wanna HATE him!
i really do
but i cant, i love him i truly do and i dont think anyone realizes wats really happening to me
im like drowning in my own emotions, i cant talk to fucking anyone about how much it fucking hurts me that hes not here now! its been such a long fucking time since hes been gone and hes probably 4gotten all about me, but no here i am sitting on my stupid computer table thinking about him when hes probably sitting at home thinking about when hes gona get coke again! it doesnt make sence.. why did he get the easy part and i got the hard one...
why did he change so much!? i dont even know him anymore, and i mean i do have a guy that likes me and wants to be with me but its not enough ! deep down inside all i want is to see HIM again, to atleast see im from far to just see wat he looks like
to talk to him in person atleast for 5 min. to see how hes doing and to see who he is now.

if i could go back in time
i wouldnt have to be sitting here right now writing this emo-ass entry!

im srry for wasting ur time i just needed to let my feelings out and i know most of u probably have no fucking clue wat im talking about, so im srry!
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