(no subject)

Jun 01, 2006 19:50

^_^ Well, today was definatly better than yesterday.

Although I had to wake up at 6 to get on the bus, it was worth it. I watched Outlaw Star with Britt, until Yasha, Allen, and Matt came. Matt is cool, but not the other two. We were at the opening and Yasha was like "Oh I love this" and attempted to sing the opening theme. Didn't work, and to top it off she didn't even know the lyrics. -__- Then Ren came around and I knew, since everyone is so curious, she would want to know what we were watching so I yelled, "We aren't watching anything good!" But she still watched for a bit. We ended up going to the orgy room and finished the first episode in peace. Well for the most part. This black kid who apparently likes the kid called Matt had a bandage around his hand today and Ashley, the slut, was curious. So I guess he just wanted to tell her so they went to the orgy room. He told his little story to Ashley in front of us. It went something like, "Last night I was thinking about commiting suicide, so I had the gun to my head, and then I just shot my hand." WTF. Some where in that story he said something about Matt, and well Matt doesn't like him...so that was probably the reason of his doing. People really need to wake up and quit shooting around to grab attention.

The bell rang and Britt left me all alone. WHY?!? I went back to the cafeteria area and lo and behold there stand Allen. -__- He asked me if I was doing anything first block and I said no, and he invited himself to come watch with me my DVD. I didn't feel like watching Outlaw Star in front of him, so I watched the Digimon Frontier movie again. And if it wasn't bad enough sitting next to Allen for the 40 mins it ran, some bitch teacher came in and kicked us out. Let me tell you, when she kicked us out it was very nice weather out. It was breezy and damp, equaling me freezing with goosebumps next to Allen. The movie ended and he left. THANK YOU!

I waited around for 40 minutes or so for Britt to come out of her class, until I just went up there myself. Her and David were drawing on the board. XD I went in and Mrs. Rector greeted me and then asked how I got a 4 on the TAKS. I told her it was a secret and she gave me a high five. :P I got the Sephiroth theme song put on my computer from David's PSP and I put on his some Digimon movies and some song. We hung around the class for a little while, then David had to leave. We said our goodbyes and then Britt and I headed downstairs to wait for her mom. We watched more OS in the mean time. Her mom got there and we went to her house.

When we got there, we went to Britt's room. Somehow we got on the subject of pubic hair. XD It was amazing. And then I came up with boot 6 (Butt sex) and Britt flipped it and now it is 6 boot. So now we have a code name for butt sex. XD Her mom left for work and we went into the living room. We got on the internet and looked up 'lesbian sex' on youtube. We found next to nothing that was good, but there was one video that caught my eye. It was of these 2 ladies and they were getting it ON in a laundry room. XD It was so hot...

ANYWAYS! Becky came home and we ventured over to Britt's room again. There I burned her Pillows CD and I transfered some songs onto her MP3 player. We went outside and got back on the internet and looked up Batman stuff and went back to her room to watch Gankutsuou. Then my dad called and said he was on his way. So while we waited we drew on paint. XD Man on man did we have a good time on that.
(I still don't know how to do that fancy link thing so here is what we created in sexy url form. XD)


My dad picked me up and I arrived at home. I then remembered that my mom isn't going to be home this weekend. XD I hope Chels can come over her in her new Jeepy.

My mom called and I asked her if we could pick up some bleach and hair dye. She asked what color and I said fire engine red. XD She freaked and finally came to a "I'll think about it" state. ^_^ I'll have that red hair.

Paco randomly called me later and we were talking about stupid stuff, then he had to go. >< Oh well it was a nice random phone call form the Paco in Oaklahoma.

O-o Haha, wow. I wrote quite a bit. I think I'll stop here.
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