I think I am going to pretend to be hard core. Since at least once a day someone asks me if I am hard core, or if I am in a hard core band. But anyone that actually gets to know me or who knows me would know that me being hard core is laughable. I don't think hard core kids giggle, and I am pretty sure they don't have annoying little girl voices. Hehehe. Like Oh yeah I am so hard core! You don't wanna mess with me, I will fuck you up. I highly doubt that I could say that without giggling.
I bought the new Elliot Smith CD. It's soo great, I got all teary eyed. He was such an amazing artist, it's so sad to think that is his last album. Blah I am really tired I am gonna go lay down and read, and then go to bed. I am gonna call Justin when I wake up. Cuz yeah whenever I get to talk to him, I have a better day. P.s. Pictures behind the cut<3
Hehe the first few are really crappy but they are funny so suck it Whitney Huston!