101 Things in 1001 Days.

Jan 01, 2009 01:57

First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR! And to start it off, I am determined to accomplish everything off of this list by September 29, 2011.

1. Paint my room.
2. Go vegan for a month.
3. Learn how to knit something other than scarves.
4. Learn how to drive.
5. Get Drivers License.
6. Learn to crochet.
7. Own a plant without killing it.
8. Get a job.
9. Buy my mother an antique Cuckoo clock.
10. Go camping in my backyard for a couple of nights.
11. Paint 101 pictures. (0/101)
12. Learn basic Finnish.
13. Have a picnic in a graveyard.
14. Learn a song on guitar.
15. Get a car.
16. Participate in International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th.
17. Lose excess flab.
18. Achieve my goal of owning 50 penguin-related items. (23/50)
19. Scan old photos and put them on a memory card.
20. Give up junk food for a month.
21. Learn to palm read without cheating.
22. Save up enough money to buy a laptop.
23. Finish all Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving.
24. Find and collect mannequin hands/arms to use as scarf racks.
25. Make enough origami cranes to hang and cover my ceiling.
26. Spend one whole day outside.
27. Completely re-do my bedroom.
28. Listen to five songs on repeat for over an hour. (1/5)
29. Learn how to say hello in fifteen languages. (7/15)
30. Expand my DVD collection to 100. (45/100)
31. Write down every dream I remember.
32. Spray paint 15 things silver. (3/15)
33. Have no complaints whatsoever for a whole day.
34. Make a stop-motion animation film.
35. Keep my desk clean for a whole month.
36. Go to the Ellen DeGeneres show.
37. Clean out all of my clothes that don’t fit or that I’ll never wear.
38. Donate them to a thrift store.
39. Walk in heels for a day.
40. Turn in three projects early. (0/3)
41. Go without TV for a week.
42. Drink at least one cup of coffee.
43. Memorize and be able to recite a movie all the way through.
44. Create a creepy stalker-like shrine. I’ve always wanted to do that.
45. Make it a habit to take pictures wherever I go.
46. Knit a scarf or crochet a hat for somebody.
47. Watch/have watched all of the movies from the “AFI's 100 Greatest Movies of All Time” list. (20/100)
48. Learn five songs on piano. (0/5)
49. Clean out all of the songs on iTunes that I never listen to.
50. Go on a road trip & scrapbook it.
51. Lose 30 pounds. (3/30)
52. Go without writing on my hand for a week.
53. Design and sew my own Halloween costume.
54. Put more color into my wardrobe.
55. Fill up a photo album.
56. Successfully time my showers to 15 minutes or less.
57. Collect 20 Valomilk wrappers. (5/20)
58. Put flowers on an empty grave.
59. Clean room once a month.
60. Visit a country outside of the U.S.
61. Go to any future MCR concert within a reasonable distance.
62. Send a message in a bottle.
63. Memorize a poem.
64. Learn basic sign language.
65. Make all holiday cards by hand instead of buying them.
66. Read every unread book on my bookshelf.
67. Learn how to bind a book.
68. Watch any unseen Johnny Depp movie. (0/9)
69. Get a tattoo.
70. Fill up a coloring book.
71. Get five stars on all expert songs on a Rock Band or Guitar Hero game.
72. Finish a whole book of Sudoku puzzles.
73. Get texting.
74. Re-watch ten of my favorite classic Disney films. (0/10)
75. Re-learn writing fluently with my left hand.
76. Become comfortable wearing a swimsuit.
77. Go a week without wearing eye makeup.
78. Participate in the Day of Silence on April 17th.
79. Spend a whole day playing board games with Josh.
80. Memorize all of the U.S. Presidents in order.
81. Get at least one piercing.
82. Vandalize public property.
83. Donate blood.
84. Learn yoga.
85. Re-read the Series of Unfortunate Events books. (0/13)
86. Make it a habit to cry more often so I have less freakouts/breakdowns.
87. Send 20 postcards through Postcrossing. (0/20)
88. Sell 15 items on eBay. (0/15)
89. Save all of my movie ticket stubs for the next 2.75 years.
90. Re-Memorize state capitals.
91. Pass all of my classes.
92. Meditate once a week.
93. Make a shadow box.
94. Take my family out for dinner.
95. 101,000 grains with FreeRice. (6760/101000)
96. Be completely honest for one whole day.
97. Fly a kite.
98. Don’t eat fast food for three months.
99. Bake cupcakes or cookies and hand them out at school on a random day.
100. Donate a dollar to charity for every one I don't complete.
101. Update this list as often as possible.

new year's, 101 things

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