Me Again

Jun 18, 2006 19:52

Yeah two in one day.. I tend to do that.. I get distracted and forget what I was going to say so I automatically assume that I said everything that needed saying and post my little posty thingy... And then a few minutes after that I realize theres more.... Righty then I just wanted to state that I've realized that I'm emo... WTF IS UP WITH THAT?!?! I don't mean cry little black emo tears or listen to crappy punk rock boy bands... I mean like wear black have random break downs name my journal my gloomy little world and be all cynical and sarcastic emo... So I'm bad but I'm not THAT bad.. I s'pose.. Or maybe I'm worse.. Who knows... but seriously.. I've always prided myself on hating Emos and what not.. Then I came to the conclusion that EVERYONEs a LIL emo... I mean espeacially since emo is s'posed to stand for emotional.... Then it hits me.. I'm emo-er then I thought I was..... Heh.. What the hell yah know what I mean? My best friend is emo.. but she willingly fesses up to it.... Have I just been fooling myself for a while? Probably... Did anyone else know before me? Does anyone out there disagree.. Deffinitely lemme know.. I know Jared thinks I'm emo.. and I jokingly agreed with him.. But now.... Its all so fucking clear... Heh... sheesh what a dick thing..... *yawn* >.< Bah what a Long day... but I s'posed I can't complain... Now I'm just rambling and listening to a good song....... Gooood song.... I'm bored and there's no one around to talk to.... That'd probably why I'm going on and on like a broken record... You know I feel bad for any of you who actually read this shit.. I'd sooner shoot myself in the face then read me ramble on and on about absolutely nothing.... But anyway... So the main idea of this whole thing is that I'm emo... Heh.... Who knew?
-Mere <3 <3 <3
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