another story.

Jan 29, 2007 05:09

Part I

crack of fallen branches under our feet in a forest lit up with grey linings around every leaf hanging brittle, fetal, beneath the sun that beats down ultra-violet into our strickened pupils. the iris contracts, shielding our nerves from the glare while our legs shake into the ground - drilling deep. digging through the planet's crust, solace, and the sun sets around the mountain. the only place we can close our eyes with safety. night falls and thunder rolls along the surface above. gripping skin, intertwining muscles - unison of the halves. the friction of heartbeats heightens and slumber follows shortly after. hibernation, cleansing, the dreamworlds colliding with reality, unconscious thoughts of infinite ascension. stone walls encompass the now completed entity as it sleeps away the chaos. the perplexity of this unison glowing with fluorescence, the orb, an aurora pulsating around the figure. the cave, pitch black upon entrance, now incandescent, a torch permeating the void with brilliance. asylum in stone. overhead the thunderclap subsides. separation, we climb our way back up to the surface, to continue. hands still interwoven with the slight presence of our light. the path appears endless ahead, but hope never leaked out. forward is the only direction and we accept every next step with fearlessness. mohoroba, our garden, the objective, the pinnacle. a family of lakes cradled by the greenest sierra. a hiss in our eardrums gradually takes form. water lies ahead, crashing over. wave tips deranged with white. i first drenched my finger tips, just to test the inertia. shifted my face and beamed a gaze into your welcoming eyes, fixated for a moment, speech still absent, no purpose for a word. simultaneous blink. like opening the window of a clouded room, to let the smoke exit and harness the fresh air, our eyes reopen. beyond the rapids, triumphant and ambitious, walking into the plains. furthering the journey. a gentle beginning, close the gap between wasteland and paradise, no reason to look back.
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