so you know what i'm wicked sick of??

Dec 29, 2006 11:51

"punk kids"
there are a two ways this rant could go..
lets start with number one...

now the original 'punk' was pretty unique.
'outcasts' found their 'calling' and fit in with other kids "just like them"
but what is it now-a-days?
i mean, hell, you're fucking AWESOME IF YOU'RE PUNK NOW, RIGHHHT??
yeah, you're awesome.
i mean, 2 out of every 5 kids call themselves 'punk'
and these kids don't know what punk is
sure, they've heard OF some of the older bands
but i bet you can't even name or hum one of their tunes.
and regardless, that doesnt even matter.
what matters is labeling yourself to be cool.
you're setting yourself up for scruteny later on in life by labeling yourself to be cool NOW.

number two;
you're never going to get anywhere in life if you think you're ALWAYS going to be punk.
i mean, you have a shit ass job or none at all, you're not going to school, and you "ALWAYS GO AGAINST THE GRAIN"
what the hell are you doing with your life?
you get a job for 2 weeks during christmas time to MAYBE pay rent?
maybe you should open you eyes to the lifestyle you are living.
sure, it may be sweet staying up late, going to shows, drinking with buds, but when you wake up at 2 in the afternoon only to start over again, you arn't getting anywhere.
oh, but you have a wicked sweet punk band that tours?
you're not getting anywhere either.
you may have a good fan base, but thats a part time job.
you need a full time job to stop being the scum of the earth that you are.
and seriously, its not like i'm this tightass girl who has never seen any of this before and just pulling it out of no where.
i've seen everything that goes on, i've done some of the shit that goes on.
you arn't cool, believe me.
just open up your eyes.
you ARN'T going to/ you CAN'T be like this forever...
so just wake up and start thinking about what you're really going to do with your life, or else you are going to be super screwed.

and besides, hardcores better anyway... rahhhh! chyaaaa!
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