Jul 11, 2006 01:26
hEy!* well yeah i n0 man its been a l0ng ass time since i updated! l0l!* well first 0f all ive been wit my gurl dani m0st 0f the time and my summer wit her t00! shes my lil sis! i l0ve the babe t0 death! && well my summers g0in great! its been the best summe for me in a l0ng ass time let me tell ya! l0l!* 0mgah i cant wait til the fair! me && dani there...w0w! haha! its g0n be crazy let me tell ya! this past year i didnt tink i w0uld make it i was s0 d0wn 0n myself i hated life and i wanted t0 die! but dani...she was there f0r me...she kept me str0ng...she was there when i didnt have n0 0ne there and a sh0ulder t0 cry 0n! shes the best thang thats every happened t0 me && i w0uldnt be here t0day if it wasnt f0r her! well me and j0sh aitn datin n0 m0re...shit hapepned their but u can kinda figure that 0ut =] l0l...but im like single and im likin s0me0ne! yeah its great! shes my life and my lil sis and dunn0 wat id d0 wit0ut her! well me and j0sh aitn datin n0 m0re...shit hapepned their but u can kinda figure that 0ut =] l0l...but im like single and im likin s0me0ne! yeah its great! im just livin the summer u this year baby! summer o6--the best! but im like talkin t0 ppls 0n icq and stuff...just th0ught id update...but im 0ut man! peace*
---danielle nac0le funk! i l0ve y0u s0 much babiiegurl! dunn0 wat id d0 wit0ut y0u! ur my lil sis f0r life!-
. bRITTy . <33