
Apr 02, 2006 21:01

Hey!* Well first 0f all this weekend has been the best ever f0r me!- i dunn0 where t0 start s0 ill just update and tell ya b0ut it!* l0l

friday~well went t0 sch00l as always..l0l..came h0me g0t 0n the net and g0t t0 talkin t0 every0ne and then me and my br0ther decided we w0uld g0 t0 the m0vies...s0 i called l0gan cause he was g0nna g0 wit david...and we all decided t0 g0 at the 9:15 0ne! Well we g0t there after we picked up l0gan and when we g0t t0 the m0vies...every0ne was there! i had s00 much fun! hannah light was there...so she went int0 the m0vies wit us...j0n j0n decided we w0uld t00 s0 every0ne came in the m0vies wit us!* lol- dat0n ended up c0mmin in there t00...and 0mg that kid is freakin craZY!- he talked the wh0le time and g0t 0n every0ne nerves..haha!* Well after the m0vies..l0gan stayed wit david and we stayed up til 3 and watched m0vies and talked b0ut stuff...then i went and g0t in the bed wit mamaw and went t0 bed b0ut 4!-

sat~ well g0t up b0ut 2 and lay ar0und f0r a while!- then g0t ready t0 g0 t0 b0bbi j0s' babysh0wer and stayed d0wn there til 8...well haley called and her and my br0 are datin n0w....way t0 g0 babe!* i l0ve you sweetie!- well she came up and stayed wit me and l0gan stayed again so we all stayed wit my mamaw and had a freakin blast!* we didnt get t0 bed til really late s0 it was all g00d...rite haw...hahaha-

t0day~ well went t0 church wit my mamaw cause they had s0me kind 0f pr0gram that my cuz was in...well after church went t0 walmart and g0t a few thangs and then went back h0me and slept til 8 and n0w im 0n here!-

Well im g0nna get 0ffa here cause im waitin f0r michael t0 call 0r get 0n the net...s0 update later!*

'i want y0u*

. . meSSer . .
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