okay...i just wanna start things off by saying that just because you are drunk that does NOT mean that everything that you do doesnt have a consequences. you still know enough about what the hell you are doing if your going to go and do something like that. being drunk is NO excuse. and just to let you know...i NEVER lied about anything...but you
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and for the whole zac thing oh man ur gonna love this lol, zac is like one of my best friends so like best friends do he told me everthing that really ever happend lol, even though it might not be the best way to keep a relationship zac was obviously using the "strike" method and as we all now u were some how in th double digits lol don't know how or really y for that matter but anyway right around that time that whole "drunkin oral fiasco" took place zac had been telling me about how he hadn't talked to u in like a month or so, so like any normal person would do he started losing intrest and around that time time he just sed "fuck it im movin on" so he did he had even met this girl cassandra at barnhills i think and had been talking for a few days and their actually still talkin now, im not exactly sure wuts goin on between them right now but ya, and as far as i know and as far as anyone knows when zac drinks, ZAC DRINKS lol so theres no doubt in my mind he was severly intoxicated he had even sed that he doesn't remember a thing, and u have to keep in mind hes drank so much before that he didn't even remember trying to comit sucide one time lol
and im not doin this to upset anybody even though that might happen im not saying this to get back at anybody i like to keep the peace lol, im just filling in some of the blanks, and yes i would have appretiated atleast a phone call saying that it wasn't goin to work out tonight or somethin i mean geez u don't just ask for directions to someones house and then just not go lol, anyway no hard felling k
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