I've had a good weekend. Friday was the TSL show with Arianne and Liz. And it was extremely awesome, except for the part where me and Liz kept getting hit with that one guy's elbows lol. We had a really great time. And we're going to see TBS in April. What now bizzatches?!? heh. And Saturday afternoon, I went over my Nana's and we all made jewelry which was awesome also. I love that woman. And last night, me and Meg went to the movies and saw The Wedding Date. Which was really good actually. I had never even heard of it. And today, I'm chillaxin.
I decided I'm confused about stuff again. I miss somebody I don't think I should be missing anymore and I'm not sure I'm loving somebody I thought always would. =/ Blah..
Lacey, I'm not sure if you read this anymore or not, but I really wish you could be here.