Sep 11, 2005 00:01
Ok so today I was driving home from work with my dad and he's like "I have an idea for a video for the Killer's song Mr. Brightside." so I'm like "Ok what is it?" and he's like "Ok picture this. So it has to do with animals. Alright and there is a parrot and a girl and it first starts out with the girl kissing the parrot only you can't see that it's a parrot." Lmao so I'm like "why cause of the line 'I'm comin out of my cage and I've been doin just fine?'" and he's like "Yeah! So then at the end they show the parrot and he's like 'I'm Mr Brightside.'" W.T.F. Clearly he knocked back one too many tonight.
I was reading this bulliten tonight on myspace and it was all about nice guys and stuff right? Well at the end it said something like "If you're a nice guy post this and title it 'I'm this guy'" and then it said, and I quote, "If you are chick that thinks she wants a nice guy (but in fact sub consiously weeds the nice guys out for bad ones) repost this, and title it, "I'm a dirty skank who doesnt deserve the company of a proper gentleman'" LMAOLMAOLMAOLMAO. I choked on my spit and almost suffocated. It was all bad. But seriously who would post that? That's +8 negative self esteem points.
So tomorrow I'm going to the bean festival and I'm quite excited. Uh I think that's it. I'm helluv tired so peace.