Apr 24, 2008 21:24
I swear to God. Is this what I have to look forward to?
I've been dating Sam, only on, never off, since October 27, 2006.
When we first began dating, I had an early ass curfew: 930 PM on weekdays, and 11 PM on weekends. What we did until I had to go home was basically smoke copious amounts of weed, and have sex. We would watch movies. Go to Great America. Go to the Beach during the day. Basically, we did things that were usually, aside from weed, and sex, family appropriate. We did these things until I had to be home, and the second I got home, Sam would usually take off with one of his neanderthal friends and party. They would drive around, smoke weed, hit a party, drink, and do party things.
I should first and foremost mention: I LIKE PARTYING!
I like beer pong, I like smoke bowl after bowl, and I like dancing. I like swimming when drunk, playing ddr and guitar hero when drunk, I like listening to music and having conversation when drunk, I like smoking cigarettes when drunk, I like eating food when drunk, I like beer runs when drunk. I like being drunk, and intoxicated. I like being high. Basically, in all terms alike, no matter how you say it: I like to party, goddamnit.
So, why doesn't Sam include me? Is there a side of him that he doesn't want me to see? Does he not like being tied to me at a party? Does he think I don't like these things? What is it? Does he hit on girls? Does he fool around with girls? Does he hit on guys? Does he fool around with guys? What the fuck could it be? Why doesn't he include me?
Jesus Christ, I don't care what he does, but it fucking irritates me that he doesn't include me when I have told him eight thousand times, "Baby, please include me?" He also agrees, and apolo-fucking-gizes. It's not even like he doesn't want me partying, we don't have that kind of controlling relationship, but there's no one who fucking parties in this town. I didn't know them long enough to party, and even when I did, I had to be home by 930, or 11. Who's going to party with that shit?
For instance!
I go to Oakley, not too long ago, and lo and behold, the very night I leave, he goes and gets shitfaced at our friends' good bye party. I mean, I probably would have gone to that shit, but I don't think he would have done the things he did if I was there. It's like he feels ashamed of it, and doesn't want me to see. He partied, and drank, and smoke a shitload when I was gone that weekend, and I was fucking miserable in Oakley, because of the sheer shock that he didn't include a-fucking-gain. I mean really. For god's sake, why does he think I want to do only family appropriate things? I like doing those things, sure, they're fun, but all I want to do is have the type of fun that I have been waiting to do forever, because I didn't get to fucking party in high school. I was too busy being fucking hospitalized.
I've told him too, I swear to god, and every time he tells me he'll try harder. I don't think he's listening. He hears, but he's not listening. I knew this would fucking happen. I fucking knew it. I was hospitalized last year in February, and then again in March, two days a-fucking-part, and he was there. He was so sweet, and gentle, and perfect in the entire situation when I was fucking helpless, like a baby deer. A right little ol' Bambi, and he saw the whole goddamn train wreck. Now, I can't even say my stomach hurts, or is bothering me a little, without him going, "OMGWTFBBQ!?! CROHN'S?!? DAMNIT!"
I'm so sick of being treated fragile, I swear to god. Oh, I am so sick of it. And I'm not taking it anymore. I have never even hung up on Sam, for Christ's Sake. Never hung up on him, never really yelled. I've never refused to speak to him, or get really pissed off when he does stupid ass motherfuckign shit. And he's done some stupid ass motherfucking shit. Like when he went to a strip club, lied about it, told me I should go sometime to see the poor men shaking, and then fucking insists he wasn't looking at the naked ass chicks, but at the men shaking because they can't touch the girls. Like I can believe that fucking shit.
I just want to get stupid!!! Is that so much to ask? Why does everyone end up treating me like an infant!