Macantire 0.2

May 04, 2011 05:51

Hello everyone! Here is the next update for you to enjoy. [Warning! This update contains some sim nudity, bad language and a bratty child. You have been warned!]

Kyro gets the honor of feeding Clarissa first~ :D

However, I didn't think he was sleep feeding her...
Kyro: That's a good baby... *snore*
Me: Uh...Kyro...? I don't think that's safe...

Bethany however showed no concern. She was too busy trying to teach Sergio how to shake so he could bring in more money.

Sergio: Don't touch me you fool! I don't want your clammy hands on my paw!

Clarissa: Hello, my diaper is full! Parental units, I aquire your attention!

And it's daddy to the rescue!

Sergio comes home and decides to pass outside instead of coming inside to sleep in his cat tree...

A storm rushes in and Sergio is still sleeping...but Kyro is out trying to make friends with a wolf but instead gets growled at.

Kyro: I don't appreciate this.
Me: He doesn't appreciate this. :/

Sergio decides to take revenge on the sofa for being out in the rain.

Clarissa's birthday is here! O:

Isn't she beautiful?

The look on her face proves that drinking green milk isn't right...

Kyro can't seem to handle playing chess on his own...

Mommy and daughter spam! :D

Mommy takes a whirl and trying to teach Clarissa to talk.
Bethany: Come on, say Mommy. You can do it. :D

Clarissa: I don't believe you earn the privealage of having me call you that. D:<

I don't believe Bethany knows about taking care of children...

I rest my case.

Instead of taking their daughter to bed, they instead decide to have some fun by creating more children that they can't raise properly.

Because of her malnutrition, she has resorted to eating crayons. It's a sad sight indeed.

Sergio: This cuddling thing must stop. Unhand me horrid child!

Clarissa: -Chokes- What a good kitty!
Sergio: x.X;

On a happy note, I completely forgot that Bethany and Kyro never got married so...Clarissa was made out of wedlock. -Gasp-


Clarissa: Get me out of this stupid thing! I demand to be let out and played with!
She really is turning into the most whiny child I've ever had...seriously.

Ignoring Clarissa once more, Bethany had a bigger problem that made her cry for about five minutes before hugging the demonic cat for some sort of comfort.

Then she went to throw up. Yay for new sibling to be here soon! :D

Oh, she made her lifetime want just recently at being the top of the Athletic career. I've never had a sim reach a top of a career so fast so of course, I'm proud.

However, Kyro still things he's the big man on campus with his promotions. Lol.

-Pop- Goes Bethany!

Another birthday is here for the sweetheart!

She looks as surprised as I am when I finally figured out she had survived so long with a crazy mother. XD

And of course she grew up badly... Not my fault. -Takes no responsibility-

Right away, she goes to play ball with her dad. A townie was walking by and I couldn't help but stare at the the rather tight pants that little boy was wearing. o.O;

Apparently, Clarissa isn't so nice at throwing balls at her father...

After the game, she threw a tantrum from hell in the living room. Of course, no one was around to here her bitching.

Me: Excuse me young lady but screaming in this house will get you no where.

Clarissa: Fuck you lady. I'll scream all that I want! I hate it here, my parents won't even raise me right! Just wait until I can get out of this hell hole!
Me: Actually, you're in a legacy so...if you are selected you must stay with said parents and reproduce until I SAY YOU CAN STOP! D:<

Mind you, Clarissa has ONE, I repeat ONE nice point. Fml.

Well, that got her quiet. :D

First day of school and of course her grades aren't perfect.

Her homework even went by pretty smoothly. I just love that face! She looks so innocent!

Baby time!

Meet Vince! He has both parents skintone and his mother's eyes while he has his dads hair.

He's so cute! [:

I had to hire a nanny...and I'm kinda worried about her since well, nanny's suck so much.

In all, she did a pretty good job. [:

So, I gave Bethany a make over since I thought she deserved one. I think it's pretty cute.

After that, the nanny tried to talk to her about oil.
Nanny: You see? Oil is dangerous and shouldn't be left around or put in the ocean...

Bethany: Oh no, fuck your oil. I'll pollute where I want bitch!
Me: Now I know where Clarissa picked up that language...

I swear this child is nicer to everyone but her family at times...

Standing halfway in the trashcan, Clarissa finds she has an A++ Report card! :D

At the sametime, Kyro arrives the nanny's van somehow... o.O;

At last, I leave you with a picture of a very happy Clarissa. Trust me, this might be the only time she'll appear innocent! D;
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