Jul 11, 2004 08:46
It's funny if you think about it... I never update this thing b/c i live in the boonies and my internet has been down for a long time, but in the last 15 hours I have updated it twice now. heh. You know it is amazing the things we learn just in one day. I bet if we wrote down EVERY new random or even not so random facts, and other knowledge we get thrown at us everyday there would be a lot. Even the little things. I think I would be surprised. Unfortunately we do not in this day and age have time to walk around with a notebook and write it all down everyday. One day though, I will.
Anyways, saw King Arthur yesterday with Lucas R. That was tons' o fun. Then we went to chipotle and shared a burrito. heh. Wow. I miss everyone. That night that Patrick, Lucas M., me, Johnny, Kirsten, Adam, Nate, Mike, Kami, and Zach. I feel like there were more people. I just can't remember. hah. Anyways that was a fun night. Sowry if I missed ya! Don Miguel Ruiz is an aweome writer. A very wise and kind man. hah. wow. I am rambling. It's toooo early. I went to bed at 4:30am Lucas M. left at 6am woke up to say bye to him, then barely fell back to sleep, then around 8 Randall woke me up. Now I'm up I should be tired! I might crawl in Patrick's top bunk while he is on the bottom, and try and fall asleep. I cannot go to work on no sleep. I will fall asleep at the cash register or something! hahah. Ok I'm done.