Feb 24, 2004 15:38
1]First Name : brittany
[2]Middle Name : lauren
[3]Last Name : axelson
[4]Nick Name[s]: britt, bri, axel
[5]Gender: girl
[6]Age: 14
[7]Birthday: february 23 1990
[8]Height : 5'4"
[9]Weight: im a fast ass. i think liek 110
[10]Hair Color : blackish brown
[11]Eye Color : brown
[12]Caucasian, African American, Hispanic...What : im white nukka.
[13]Glasses: sometimes.
[14]Contacts: yeaa
[15]Braces: yea, off in one month <3
[16]Hair Short or Long : in between?
[17]You Were Born Where : san clemente - oc baby.
[18]You Now Live : phoenix
[19]Asrtrology Sign : ekkk? dlksdlk oh i think pisese i dk how to spell it :(
[20]How many languages do You speak : haha american? not anything else
[21]Nationality: swedish, german, italian and i dk what else.
[22]Bad Habits : crack nukles, bite nails and lip.
[23]Piercings: 8 on my ears but i want my tounge and lip
[24]If Yes Where & How Many : o haha i already said.
[25]Tattoos: ekka not yet.
[26]If Yes How Many & Where : i want a star behind my neck and i dk what else. but i want liek 3.
[27]Mothers Name : ekk.. oh yea haha. debbie
[28]Fathers Name : gus
[29]Brothers Name[s] : i want one
[30]Sisters Name[s]: haleigh and krysten
[31]Favorite Aunt : aunt sandy.
[32]Favorite Uncle : uncle ron.
[36]Best Family Memory : ehh? i dk if i have any, disneyland.
[37]Do You Get Along With Your Parents : ekk not alot.
[38]Do Your Parents Understand You? : they think they do but they know nothign about me.. haha
[39]Does Anyone In Your Family Understand You : no, everyone thinks im some one im not. and my sister claled me emo yesterday she has no idea what she was talking about
[40]Pets : roxie, i miniture pincher
[41] You Dont Have A Pet Do You Want One : stupid hoe i said i have one
[44]Have You Ever Had Any Other Pets Then Mentioned Up Above : i have 2 other dogs but i hate them and a cat and fish and some lizard thing, a nuet.
[63]Number: 3 and 8
[64]Clothing Brand : anything that i would wear.
[65]Shoes: old school vans or filp flops.
[66]Saying: eating ice cream or yea whatever i do what i want.
[67]TV Show : simpsons, cosbys, most mtv.
[68]Sport : sitting.
[69]Vegetable : brocili.
[70]Fruit: strawberrys
[71]Movie: The goonies, Orange county, drop dead fred, fast times at ridgemont high, jay and silent bob strike back, mallrats, dude wheres my car, old school, supertroopers, roadtrip.
[72]Magazine: cosmo<3
[73]Actor: Johnny Depp, ashton kutcher, jack black, sean william.
[74]Actress : girls with boobs
[75]Candy: i dont eat candy alot but i love red gunny bears
[76]Gum : orbit i guess.
[77]Scent: the new car smell, is that what you meant?
[78]Candy Bar : i dk
[79]Ice Cream Flavor : cookie dough
[80]Color: black hot pink and red.
[81]Season: winter and summer
[82]Holiday: christmas
[83]Band: are you serious? just look at my intrests
[84]Singer : i dk. tom delong wants me and i want him<3
[85]Group : same with what i said about bands.
[86]Type Of Music : i dk most shit.
[87]Fast Song : i dk i have alot but i like anti girl - homegrown and pretty in punk - fall out boy
[88]Slow Song : konstantine - something corporate, no lies just love - bright eyes, perfect sonnet - bright eyes, the ground folds - senses fail and steven - senses fail
[89]Thing In Your Room : bed, dresser, computer, guitar, closet, ballon. good?
[90]Place To Be : california <3
[91]Radio Station : 103.9, 101.5, 97.9, and of course 94.5 :)
[92]TV Channel : mtv
[93]Junk Food : cereal
[94]Overall Food : i dk..food is bad and makes you fat :/
[95]Store: hmm i dk.
[96]Shoe Brand : didnt we arelready go over this?
[97]Fast Food Place : taco bell:)
[98]Restraunt: oreginos, pf changs.
[99]Shape: huh?
[100]Time Of Day : night
[101]Country: america?
[102]State: california, but i have always wanted to go to new york
[103]Boys Name : i dont care.
[104]Girls Name : Ryen (like ryan but for a girl) jessica mae.
[105]Mall: the chandler mall.
[106]Video Games : the tony hawk one<3
[107]Shampoo : pantine
[108]Board Game : life or sorry.
[109]Computer Game : haha.. backyard baseball
[110]Car : chevelles, 1699-1971 novas, mustangs, honda civic si, acura-new ones.
[111]Music Video : i believe in a thing called love<3.
[112]Swear Word : fuck, isnt it everyones?!
[113]Word: ekk i dk.. well ekk haha. or fuck<3 and nukka
[114]Month: february or june.
[115]Cartoon: dexters labratory
[116]Song Of All Time : fuck yea right like i have only yea/
[117]Scary Movie : exorcist, that has been the only really scary movie i have seen that scared me alottt. the ring was pretty good.
[118]Team: uh? the play boy team!
[119]Possesion : money when i have some.
[.Whats The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You Hear....]
[120]Eminem: my friend amy
[121]Dog: dawg like black people
[122]Hot: sexxxxx<3
[123]christina agulera : hot but slutty.
[124]Nsync: over.
[125]Real World : fucking the best.
[126]Orange: juice
[127]Choice: i dont get it
[128]Fuck: the poicle
[129]Bisexual : niceee.
[130]Black : nukka.
[131]ICQ: only iff i knew
[132]Insane Clown Posse : bozo
[133]Linkin Park : hate em.
[134]Jack: black!
[135]Rainbow: gayy.
[136]Cherry: pie.
[137]Cucumber: and ranch
[138]Shark: bite
[139]Lifehouse: ocean? or is that lighthouse
[140]Bat: man
[141]Leather: whips
[142]Whip: cream<3
[143]America: is stupid
[144]Water: hot guys.
[145]Volcano: explode?
[.This Or That.]
[146]rock or rap : rock
[147]pop or rap : rap
[148]rap or r&b : rap
[149]rock or metal : rock
[150]rock or pop : rock
[151]linkin park or limp bizkit : limp bizkit
[152]tool or korn : tool
[153]selena or jenifer lopez : jenifer lopez
[154]hot or cold : cold
[155]winter or summer : summer
[156]spring or fall : fall
[157]shakira or britney : britney
[158]ICP or Eminem : eminem
[159]Marilyn Manson Or Rob Zombie : marilyn manson
[160]Kittie or Garbage : uhhh.. kittie?
[161]mtv or vh1 : mtv
[162]Buffy or Angel : buffy.
[163]Dawsons Creek Or Gilmore Girls : glmore grls
[164]Football or Basketball : basketball
[165]summer olympics or winter olympics : i dk the difference?
[166]skiing or snowboarding : snowboarding
[167]rollerblading or skateboarding : skateboarding
[168]black or white : black
[169]orange or red : red
[170]yellow or green : green
[171]purple or pink : pnk
[172]slipknot or mudvayne : ew neither
[173]hot topic or pac sun : both <3
[174]inside or outside : outside
[175]weed or alcohol : alcohol
[176]cell phone or pager : cell
[177]pen or pencil : mechanical pencil
[178]powerpuff girls or charlies angels: charlies angels
[179]scooby doo or dino : scooby doo
[180]dragon ball Z or pokemon : pokemon
[181]star wars or star trek : star wars
[182]tattoo or piercing : piercing.
[183]prep or punk : punk
[184]slut or whore : slut
[187]Do You Love Anyone Right Now : i dk
[188]Have You Ever Been In Love : yea
[189]How Many People Have You Kissed : like 8
[190]Who Was Your First Kiss : i just like kissing
[194]How Many Hearts Have You Broken : i dont break hearts
[195]How Many People Broke Your Heart : one:(
[196]Best Quote To Sum Up Love : "love stinks"
[197]So Whats Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Crush Like : cute
[198]Whats Your Dream Guy/Girl Like : tom delong
[199]Do You Go More By Looks Or Personality : personality, but hey if they are hot too, bonus
[201]Ever Kiss A Friend : yea nuk
[202]Are You Still Friends : yuppp
[203]So Moving Along... You Smoke : who hasnt
[204]How About Some Weed... You Smoke Weed : mmmm..
[205]Ever Trip On Acid : nope
[206]How About A Little xTc ? no
[207]Crack, Heroin, Anything Else : lol i dont do hard core shit.
[208]Beer Good Or Beer Bad : beer is ick. bacardi gold or straight vodka for mee
[210]Are You The Little Sissy Who Drinks Mikes And Whine Coolers : eww no.
[211]Do You Like Smirnoff Ice : yea
[212]Prefer Beer Or Liquor : liquor
[213]So If You Smoke How Long U Been Killin Yourself Now : peopel make me smoke lol.
[214]What Kind Do You Smoke : whatever people have
[215]Could I Bum One : since i have them and everything?
[216]Back To Alcohol, Favoite Alcoholic Beverage: like i said vodka or bacardi and bacardi gold and shnopps.
[217]So If You Werent A Virgin... Whens The Last Time You Got Some ?: i'm a virgin
[218]Bungee Jump: no
[219]Sky Dive : i wanna.
[220]Swim With Dolphins: im not ocean girl
[221]Scuba Dive : yeaaa.
[222]Go Rock Climbing : on like a plastic wall yea.
[224]Eat *Poo* For 1,000,000 $ : fuck yea.
[225]Change Your Religion : no i dont really follow one anyway
[226]Turn Your Back On Your Friends For Personal Gain: nope i love my friends
[227]Steal A Friends Boyfriend/Girlfriend : done it once.. but thats all.
[228]Cross-Dress: who doesnt dress like a guy when your a girl haha.
[229]Lie To The Police : haha who hasnt? start young my friends.
[230]Run From The Police : yupp
[231]Speed Away From The Police : no
[232]Lie To Your Parents : yeaa
[233]Walk Up To A Total Stranger And Kiss Them : haha no
[234]Be A Exotic Dancer : i wish i had the body.
[235]Walk Out Of A Restaurant Without Paying : i did that oncee:)
[236]streak [run naked through somewhere for all u who don't know]- yeaa<3
[.Your Friends.]
[258]Known Longest : amy
[259]Wish You Talked To More Then You Do : cara
[260]Wish You Saw More Then You Do : slade
[261]How Many Friends Do You Think You Have : i dk i have lost alot and got alot
[262]How Many Do You Actually Hang Out With : between 7 and 10
[263]Who Drives You Insane After Awhile : not gunna say she will hit me.
[264]Who Can You Stay Around Forever And Hardly Get Sick Of : abby and amy and meg and jerid
[265]Ever Lose A Good Friend Because You Took It To The Next Level : almost
[266]Craziest : meghan mia
[267]Loudest: lauren
[268]Shyest: andee around people she doesnt know
[269]Best Hair: meg mia
[270]Can Always Make You Laugh : any one
[271]Best Eyes : meg arm
[272]Best Body : lauren skinny and biggg tiitts.
[273]Most Athletic : abby
[274]Sex Symbol: amy
[275]Hot Tempered: lauren
[276]Most Impatient : i dkk
[277]Shortest: britt fala
[278]Tallest: gordo or cara.
[279]Talented: ekk jerid!
[280]Best Singing Voice : jayden
[281]Skinniest : i have verryyy skinny friends
[282]Nicest: all of them
[283]Best Personality : all
[284]Biggest Drug User : jason
[285]Alcoholic: alot. lol
[.Have You Ever.]
[286]flashed someone : yea like 2 times though
[287]told the person you liked how you felt : yeaaa
[288]been to Michigan : no?
[289]gotten really REALLY wasted : not REALLY
but you get my drift
[290]gone to jail/juvi : ekka eka noooo
[291]skateboarded: yea i cant do tricks but i can skateboard:)
[292]skinny dipped : whooo hasnt?
[293]stolen anything from a store : hah ayeaa.
[294]wanted to kick my butt for making this so damn long SO LONG : i dont care. you must have alot of time on your hands. and thats coooool?
[295]kicked some ones butt : not like a major fight but yea
[296]pegged someone in the head with a snowball and they never knew it was you : err sorry to say but no
[297]broke a beer bottle : yeaa
[298]gotten into a bar under aged: no
[299]kissed someone of the same sex : peck not like make out?
[300]flipped someone off : yes
[301]gone on a road trip : yes
[302]gone on vacation without adult supervision : Yes
[303]been to a concert : yes
[304]been to another country : yes
[305]talked back to an adult : yes
[306]got pulled over : yes
[307]into a car accident : yes
[308]broke a law : yes
[309]given money to some homeless person : yea<3
[310]tried to kill yourself : noo
[311]cried to get out of trouble : hah yea
[312]kissed a friends brother/sister : yeaa... shhh:)
[313]dropped something on the floor that you were cooking for dinner and still put it on the plate : yea i do it alll the time.
[314]What Do You Think About Boy Bands : they can do what ever they want (gay)
[315]What Do You Think About Flag Burning : sad
[316]What Do You Think Of The War On Terrorists : sadder.
[317]What Do You Think About Suicide : fucking if you have problems do kill your self you dont know what you put people into. fucking a.
[318]What Do You Think About People Who Try To Force Their Opinions Upon You : i dont care.
[319]What Do You Think About Abortion : that should be called murder.
[320]What Do You Think About Rock/Metal Music : hottt.
[321]Where Do You Think You'll Be In 10 Years : having babys.
[322]Who Do You Think You'll Still Be Friends With In 5 Years : amy meg abby and jerid.
[323]What Do You Think About The Pop Music Scene : hit me baby one more time.
[324]What Do You Think About The Store Abercrombie & Fitch : some is ok but hello people why dont you just cut holes in your pants or shirts or whatever?
this took forever and i have nnoooo life.