The View

May 01, 2006 00:44

Friday- it was amazing i got to see the magic of randy and whittney they are soo cute together
they are soo made for each other im so happy for both of them i had soo much fun in davis i always do
lol im going back this Friday again too

Saturday- i woke up so bad my back was so twisted up i was just in so much pain
and by 530 i had the worst stomach pain ill i did was rest til like 7 i went to my aunt's house i guess everyone was there so i went i was bored but oh well my family was there i went to bed early too i mean comeon 12?!?!

Sunday- woke up early to go hiking with a church group my cousin came a long and so did her freind Sumo
we all had a blast i mena the trail was hard and it took a lot of sweat to get up there but at the end it was worth. i never saw a view so beautiful in my life not a sign of modern technology just the glass the trees the fields on the mountains the ocean the treetops when the wind hit me it took all my worries and stuggles away it was just so relaxing
i descirbe it as an escape in reality b/c it was just so difrent i mean you dont see things like taht a whole lot i never wanted to come back the air so clean i felt like i could just live on that mountain and live forever in happiness i was kinda sad whne i began to come back down b/c it was now taking the step back to reality and back to school
but i know that i will once again see that view again soon...
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