Try To Avoid It But There's Not A Doubt, And There's One Thing I Can Do Nothing About

Aug 09, 2005 19:24

Summer is over :(
it was so much fun
new people - new experiences
thank you everyone for making it as swell as possible!

as for school starting --
nothing what i expected but i like it so far
my classes dont seem extremely unfair, i just need to keep up with everything
i dont have too many classes with the people i was hoping for but then again its good to meet new people and get closer to the ones i dont get to talk that much, but i hope i dont lose touch with all my good friends.
we shall see how this turns out.

trying out for volleyball and most likely will be on JV
havent worked in forever and i dont know when i'm suppose to either
need to go back to the wisdom teeth place and get the stiches in my mouth taking out

thats about it for the past few days!

Just ask the question come untie the knot
Say you won't care
Retrace the steps as if we forgot

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