May 20, 2004 10:26
I love the Postal Service, the band not like the mail carriers.
I would love it if we could swim in november because seriously i love swimming more than anything, like more than Dan loves me more than the sunshine. hahahahaa
I hope it doesnt rain really bad today because on tuesday when i worked it was raining so hard, so i sat for like 45 minutes after work and i ate a little just cause i was waiting for the guy rob to ride me home. he is nice but very dorky. Josh said he was gonna come see at work today, i guess thats nice. i wish my other friends would come see me just kidding. but seriously we are gonna be really cool when we all are together on erin sshhh coming? i love her sometimes.
So the new balances are on sale for $60, i can't afford that, i was hoping for $30. so i think imma get chucks.I wish i had a boo that would buy me some shoes to match every outfit. hgahahaha
My sister might hook up with this kid who gave me a back massage everyday in 9th grade. kinda weird?
Danyell please please please dont get so caught up with me and josh cause hopefully things will work themselves out soon. <3
okay seriously every word(well almost i guess) in "nothing better" fits my mood right now.
Okay whenever im in Mr.Evanish's class i seriously think about donuts
seriously alot of people in Langley are retarded. When i went there and had purple hair, they are like ooo manda with the pruple hair" and like though it was cute(it was long then) but now they are like what the fuck did you do to your hair? but its just short and brown? they are gay.....
this 14yr old girl oin my street got a tattoo on her hip for her boyfriend it says:"you give me(then it has a butterfly, get the picture?)" she is so dumb.
ok danyell Nadia looks nice today.
fuck ya'll bitches.
No fighting, Just dancing