Ack, im so bored. My sister is staying after school 2day so that means I get to go and pick her up!! woo hoo!! I love driving, especially by myself. I just signed up for and its so gay. Dont sign up for it. eek. Kristine!!! check wut nych said on myspace! I'll come to ur house after school either 2day or 2mroww. woo!! I was in the band loft thing 2day praticing the song "bike" by pink flloyd and theres a gate where food is and im not gonna pass up and opportunity to steal food from the band kids. I stole 2 sprites and a cup of noodle! free lunch! Vanessa did my hair 2day. Its like in corn rows but NOT I repeat NOT braided. That would be ugly. Then after that I was walking to class and melissas like "can I jump infront of a moving bus?" hmmmm did she think I was just gonna be like "YES! SURE!! OO CAN I JOIN U??" U know, ppl ask pretty dumb f*ing questions. wtf. I hate it. Just like last nite kevin asked if he could kill himself. Why do ppl always ask for my permission??? Haha kevins mom was drunk last nite and she was singing "I will survive" it was great! Geez I was on the phone with everyone (at different times) for like a total of 3 hours! I was on the phone with kristine, kevin, kevins mom, alana, melissa. My tummy hurts and I dont know why. Argh. I hope kevin decides that he hates his mullet and cuts it off. He told me he wants to get a mohawk next.... cant even picture that. And oh yeah, savanha was talking about brittany (this dikey girl I had in spanish last semester) and I was like "Oh yeah! That girl is really ugly!" And savanha was like "she was my bestfriend" and I said "shit, I didnt know that but im only telling the truth" then she got mad at me but oh well. She probably already hates me. Shes a freshman, kevin went out with her then he cheated on her with the ugly bitch brittany hunt. Another annoying freshman. I dont care if savanah hates me cuz its not like me and her were friends anyways. I called wendys yesterday and some mean person answered and she said that I might and might not get a call back. Wut a bitch. I hate mean ppl. They just make the world mean!!