two new poems.
Forgotten and
Depression cranked them both out within a span of about 10 minutes. which was nice, since i haven't written anything decent outside of school in about a year.
i'm switching most of my poems and such from fictionpress to deviantart. i'm not too happy with fictionpress anymore. plus, it's easier just having everything creative in one place. i mean, i'm still gonna keep my fictionpress account and i may still upload some stuff to it, but for the most part, i'm gonna stick to my deviantart.
oh yea, and people actually comment and such on deviantart. and it's not all grammer nazis. it's fucking poetry. it doesn't have to be logical or grammatically correct. prose i can see. poetry at times, but it's like abstract art. doesn't have to make sense to anyone but the artist themselves.
*deep breath*