i like skating alot.
i m glad they built this lemon grove skate park
(although it definently has its flaws)
it's gotten me back into the swing of skating.
and ive been getting way better, and more consistent.
its become a hobby again. and it gives me something ACTIVE to do.
i go skate pretty much everyday. sometimes twice a day.
i wanna make a skate part, for a video, even if its not like anything EPIC.
i just wanna do it for fun.
...lately i feel weird. i feel like i want to be creative.
in many areas. but i just dont know what to do.
for some reason i ve gotten the sudden urge to do some drawings.
like i m not going to lie, i believe that in this age of technology,
things have changed. and shits done on the computer.
growing up the way i did, kinda made me get USED to doing it on the computer.
i think i lost alot of what i HAD as an illustrator.
to be honest, i never was PLEASED with my works (but then again when am i?)
but i want to start sketching, then scanning and what not.
theres alot of artists that are very INSPIRING to me.
Eric Tan is one of them.
he did all the wall-e posters that most people see, as well as most pixar shit.
hes pretty sick, i love his style its simple, and something i ve tried to do.
but was never successful at, needles to say, i ll rip his style off for SOMETHING.haha.
Tom Whalen is another one.
kinda the same idea. really cool stuff. i dig it.
i feel like i want to do a few things that i ve wanted to do for a while.
i want to write out a few shorts, and movie ideas i ve had for a while. and just get it out.
i also want to do a comic of some sorts. a web comic (like theres not enough of those.)
i ve alway WANTED to, but never knew what i would do it about. still don't. but i wan't to do it.
random post.
just felt like writing more frequently in this.
word up.