Feb 11, 2004 08:59
in photo again... hehe mimi and i are looking at katies pictures from malverns winter formal... looks like so much fun!!! yup not much to say.... had alot of fun last night, once again and only a few people know what im talking about... hehe but oh well. mimi and i have a great picture together.. actually i look horrible but thats alright.. im not too "photogenic". today is course selections and it takes up like 20 minutes of each class... so choice. yea this weekend is goona suck at the beach... u'd think it would be fun and everything, but nope.... oh well i guess ill find things to do. im really hungry, i havent eaten anything since lunch yeaturday.... but oh wait katie and i went diving for coral because we do that all the time and then we go an eat the coral.. yea katie, were such losers.
just realize that i update WAY TOO MUCH in the journal, oh well