Aug 08, 2005 08:20
well i went out with shona on thursday went a wee walk and talked it was great talked about old times... pure fun like the time we went to aberfoyle and we had to do this night walk type thing and you could only hold on to a rope loland at the end was this dich filled up with wet mud lol and you just sank to the bottom of it lol...i lost ma shoe in it.. but i got it back ... and the flyin fox where i pure jerked ma neck on it lol cause the fanny of a guide pushed me off it lol when i wasnt ready... so it was a good laugh remembering about the good eld times i wonder when shona will fone back and aske to go out again...hopefully soon ... well i suggested to her that we should all go to the pics...Amanda,andrew and victoria ...cause i think it would make her happy on her last day here but if you dont i can see why but anyway love yall loads and hopefully see y'all soon
p.s every1 should well go to burntisland i won to gold fish there and there still alive yasss lol