Serious Issues (10/?)

Apr 27, 2004 18:03

Serious Issues (10/?)
Authors: empathicfrost (Frost) and theonemonaghan (Kacey)
Rating: *overall series: NC-17*
Pairing: Monaboyd (main pair), some DM/EW
Summary: Dom’s problems will ruin everything.
Feedback: has all the daily vitamins and nutrients we need in one dose.
Disclaimer: Not reaaal.
Dedicated to: all the absolutely awesome people who write such amazing feedback. <3<3<3
A/n: We are reallly sorry about the gap in chapter posts, we are so stressed out, God, Im sorry :( You guys are great and if any of your are still reading this story after all the wait, then Thank you, we love you :( <3

Previous Chapters: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine

Previously: Dom felt sick. He felt drugged and he felt drained. His temples rang sorely. His hand went to his wrinkled shirt and spidery fingers twitched on the stomach as it rose and fell with effort. Bluidyhell, Monaghan. What the fuck did you just do? Fucked who?
The world darkened and something horribly sickening welled in Dom's body, he curled onto his side with something of groan. You can’t control anything... You cant… can’t… think. Heavy lids closed, weighted by drink, weighted by exertion, weighted by self- disgust. But Dominic didn’t know why. He passed out, right there on the floor and the memory of the night finally smothered itself into a permanent blur.

Chapter 10:

"Dom?" One hand brushed tenderly over the forehead of the aforementioned man. Not sick, just...

"Drunk." Billy was kneeling down to the side of Dom, laying his hand on the other man's shoulder. Drunk, but stirring. Bright green eyes stared at the awakening Dominic and Billy couldn't help but smile. He really did have something good here.

Dominic was wonderful, he really was. "C'mon," he told the barely awake man as he leaned down to steal a kiss. "Let's at least sleep on th' bed, okay?"

So maybe the "abuse" wasn't.... right. Orlando had begged and pleaded and given reasons all night. It had worn Billy out. He'd made Bill promise to talk to Dom. Maybe tone it down. For their friends' sakes.

Right now, however, was not the time. Dom was barely conscious and Billy was holding most of his weight on his shoulders, and dragging him to bed. Billy, himself was overly tired as well.

"Why so drunk, Dom?" Bill was working at getting Dom's shirt off, his voice absently teasing. "Miss me tha' much?"

A noncommittal response was given as Dom winced. The ill churning in his stomach was worsened when he stood up and was led by Billy back to his bed. When he sat down, it felt better and that was relief enough to let his Scottish lover do anything he wanted, Dom didn’t struggle to keep his shirt on and let its sweat damp material get pulled away. Why so drunk, Dom?

Dom was shaking his head like a child would, back and forth widely. And holding a hand over his face, he murbled, "I.. don’t know. I d'n-- Oh." The fingers were pulled away, his face revealed, colored in confusion and exhaustion. "Elijah came over.. we talked." But for the life of him, Dom couldnt remember what happened to the conversation. "He left." Dom looked like he were also listening to himself, waiting for more, but nothing came.

Heavy lids dropped and fingers reached out for Billy to pull him down. "Just want ta sleep, Bill." A slurr again, but it seemed brighter. Happier. "Billy. Bills. Blehh." Dom giggled weakly, just falling back to sleep now, on his own bed with Billy near by. "My--" Dom was gone for the rest of the night.


It wasn't that acting wasn't one of the best things in the world. It just so happened that lunch was one of the most rewarding things after a long stretch of take after take.

Here at lunch, chats turned to laughing fits and everyone was your friend. Today, to Billy Boyd, felt the same as any other good day. He was refreshed--it didn't hurt to move anymore, really. Not his waist or hips, anyway. Wrists were a little sore, but a full night of rest had done them good.

It hadn't done as much good for Dom--but Bill had expected him to be sluggish. There was just no getting around it when one was that drunk. But still, the Brit wasn't complaining, and after Bill had handed him the tylenol and a kiss, Dom had said he'd be fine. So morning filming went on without a hitch. He was standing in the lunch line now--having offered to get food for both himself and Dominic. He smiled to himself and allowed a good stretch before stepping up one more spot.

Billy's bright mood never ceased to make Dom shine back. Maybe his head hurt when someone said something too loud, maybe his body ached a little more than usual when he and Billy had to kneel on the ground for those scenes with other cast members. But when the tiny Scottish man's eyes glowed, Dom would smirk and duck his head to look away before he did something in front of everyone and then he would be laughing about nothing in particular just because it was easy to laugh when you were in love.

Dom sat at the usual studio lunch room bench and surveyed Sean Astin and Elijah eating their food - having already gotten it because theyre lunch break was slightly earlier. Sean was explaining what they were doing in the studio this time, rather than their usual mountain scenery. Apparently, Sam and Frodo had a lot of scenes with rocks and rock cliffs that were all made out of foam and set up in one of the studio sections. Dom accepted the conversation willingly - until he felt the foot nudge his leg. It was a sneaker - none of them had on hobbit feet today, all sneakers - and it couldnt possibly have been Sean.

Elijah was giving Dominic a face. Not the kind of face that was noticeable to others, but a face, all the same. It was the kind that included looks when the other person wasn't paying attention. Extra bright smiles when they were. Goofy and subtle, but still with meaning.

Despite all the drink he'd had, and that it was a tad uncomfortable to sit--as well as move his waist--Elijah Wood felt lovely. Better, even.

Elijah? Dom quirked a brow and smirked past the sudden feeling of cold paranoia prickling in his chest and throat. Why would Elijah be nudging him? And then Dom remembered - Elwood had come over last night and brought the drinks - but after that, Dominic couldnt remember anything. It wasnt the first time a night had been cleared from his memory after too much alcohol - but never before had it scared him so much.

The secretive look Elijah was giving him made Dom's heart sink. What had happened last night. "Whats up, Lij?" Maybe Wood expected him to respond to the nudges just like that - by giving him attention. Surely the nudges didn’t have any other kind of meaning... surely. Dom felt he might get another headache now.

Elijah smiled that bright smile of his and beneath that mess of Frodo-hair, eyes were as sparkling as always. "Hey," came the greeting, that did not at all explain the sneaker nudge that he'd given only a moment before. In America, that was an answer enough to a question like the one Dom had asked. One greeting in turn for another.

"How's it going?" Elijah was asking this to Dom--but gave a nod to Orlando as he sat himself down next to Sean (across from where Billy would be sitting, once he got out of line).

"Any plans tonight?" He was asking the table in general, his attention turned back to the macaroni and cheese in front of him. But he really only wanted to hear one reply.

Orlando Bloom usually answered questions like that first - usually enthusiastic affirmations that he would be where anyone would take him. Surfing? Sure. Club? Yeah. Barbeque at Bean's house? Okay, but he'd take just a salad, thanks.

But Orli wasnt replying at all. Legolas was tied down underneathe a green bandanna and over the top of a styrofoam cup of tea, stark arrow brows were scowling a little.

Sean made some remarks about Christine and Allie and rather than answer Elijah's question, Dom started to ask about Sean's daughter, whom he had personally claimed as a God-niece when he'd met her at the Astin's temporary residence a few months ago. He pulled his leg away from Elijah's reach and looked up for Billy.

And then there was Billy--all smiles and laughs--giving Dom a sandwich and a bottle of gatorade. He sat down, across from Orlando, giving him a nod. Don't worry written all over his face for the young Brit to see.

"Ay got an extra salad, anyone want it?" Billy rose an eyebrow at the table. Was something the matter, or was it just him being weird?

Elijah scraped his mac and cheese across his paper plate and gave a smile to Billy, as well, although the back of his mind was already busy working out it's confusion. Was Dom ignoring him now? "We have off for two days in a row later this week," He found himself saying, to no one in general. "We should really make good use of it."

Elijah's eyes were on Dom as he said this last bit.

Billy was completely oblivious; busy adjusting the lettuce in his sandwich to his own liking.

Orlando appeared to be temporarily satisfied that Billy was okay and his scowl loosened and he looked down at his styrofoam cup and sighed. "Theyre taking away my off days for some extra work-" probaby something that had to do with a blue screen and Legolas flipping himself up onto a horse's back. "-- So go have fun without me." A willowy chuckle, Orlando knew they'd have other times to hang out - but this week he was piled up with scheduling.

Dom still hadnt made a response. He saw the look Elijah had given him - the direct, open eye contact that Elijah was secretly trying to win Dom's attenion toward.

And Dom knew in that moment that something was different. About Elijah. He didnt know what because when he tried to visualize what had happened last night, after Elijah dropped by with booze, all Dom could remember was being really drained and exhausted.

Dom had to talk to Elijah later - that was for certain. A weak, absent smile was given toward the food and the sealed cap of the Gatorade crackled when he opened it - but Dom didn’t take a drink.

Next Chapter (sneak preview): The sight of Dom there, outside of his trailer was enough to wake Elijah up. He gave a bit of a grin. "Hey--wanna come in?" So enrapt with sudden excitement, Elwood did not note the near frantic expression on Dominic's face.
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