Mar 10, 2013 13:51

It's been forever and a day since I've been on here. A number of people I've been following has up and left. Some stop blogging completely or moved to dreamwidth (a LJ copy). I'm not about to do the same because I already know my blog will be as dead as this one. I'm not very active when it comes to social media. I deleted my Twitter because it got boring and I don't see myself having a Facebook. Nothing good comes from Facebook. Love Tumblr and Instagram. I may also open a Pintrest account after this post. I always forget I have colourlovers. To be honest I don't remember my password. Even so it's a fun site.

If I had an iphone I would definitely get vine. My android won't accept viddy cause it's 3G. I'll be upgrading to a new phone in May but I'm torn between getting viddy or keek. We'll see.

me, lj

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