i haven't posted here in forever. oi. i really just haven't felt like it! i also feel like i need more friends on this thing. ADD ME!!
in recent news
[] i just bought my domain!!! now i'm deciding on a host. my site will be www.fotojunkie.com. i'm so frikkin excited!
[] i also love justin scott bartley. he's all i can think about.
[]check out these pix i took:
now then..
back to justin.. and y i love him:
-he's soo thoughtful
-mature/ wise beyond his age
-he loves the kids
-crazy like me
-great conversationalist
-easy to talk to/confide in
-he listens!
-and some other private reasons ;)
he's going away for the weekend to his cuzzins wedding. i'll miss him while he's away cuz that means we can't log our daily talk time of 6 hours :)
in other recent news
i'm supposedly going to this picnic for zettler clay this evening. i'd rather not go but apple begged me.. what's a girl to do? she doesn't wanna go by herself cuz she feels like she won't know anybody there. umm.. then how did u get invited!? i suggested she take best friend hamidah- but apple declined saying she doesn't wanna take her since hamidah don't know them folks. as though i know them. seeing ppl. around campus and being facebook friends does NOT= knowing them. fyi.
i also may be attending the AND1 Mixtape tour tomorrow.. if i find someone to go with :/ or i might just give the tix away. to who?? this remains a mystery even to me.
last night i ran my pinky into the door trying to get into my room. it cracked in 3 places. and then it throbbed and went cold. it still hurts. i told justin that i thought it was dead and he laughed @ me saying it was probobaly jammed. what does he know anyways?
now my damn wrist is hurting. likely from typing. so i'll type no more.