
Jul 12, 2005 23:15

What an interesting few days I've had....

Lets see...I have this week off from Service Liquor which SHOULD mean I have a lot of time to spend relaxing and enjoying the week off... talk about being majorly wrong...

I get to work Friday night and my boss pulls me aside and says that I need to come into the store on Tuesday (today) at 10:00am to meet with my District Manager.. so I'm thinking okay no big deal, dont know what it's about, but whatever... so all is well... Sunday I get to the store at 4:30 and the manager that was there earlier in the day informs me that he's being met with on Tuesday as well... and so are 3 other people, one manager and 2 CSR's... so I'm like hmm.. thats weird... so then I'm thinking that it probably has to do with people hanging out with eachother outside of work.. whatever, no big deal, I've done nothing wrong.

So that brings us to yesterday.. I had to close again last night, and I had a huge project that I had to complete, so I knew it would be a long night, and around 11pm I informed my CSR that we'd probably end up being at the store until 12:30 or 12:45 and he threw a fit about how he was only scheduled until 12:15, and that's when he intended on leaving.. I explained that he's scheduled until close, and close is when the store is clean and tidy for the next morning.. well not to my surprise, when 12:15 rolled around, he left... so then I'm sitting in the store BY MYSELF after midnight with a shitload of work to do.. so I ended up leaving a note for my store manager about the things that didn't get done, and about the CSR leaving me alone in the store (Which is against company policy). So, yeah...

So this brings us to today... I go in at 10am and have my little interview w/ the HR manager and my District manager... and yeah, I'm being accused of smoking pot at the store and fucking my manager... all bullshit, and now 5 of us are being interviewed.. or let me rephrase that, they are investigating everything, but I know that we'll all be fired because this happened in Watertown about a month or so ago, and everyone was canned... so that sucks.

So, I'm in Ithaca right now, and tomorrow I'm going to my sisters house to relax by her pool, then I'll find out tomorrow night when I go to the store if I even have a job there anymore, and if I dont, looks like I'm going to be spending the remainder of my vacation from Service Liquor looking for a new second job... good times, indeeed.

At least I have Thursday to look forward to- John & I are going to spend the entire day together.. YAY!

Okay, I'm going to watch a movie & go to bed
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