My Epic, Scary Movie-Type Dream~!

Jan 16, 2010 00:41

yesterday I took a nap after I got home from school and this is what I was dreaming during  those three hours :Db:

so I was taking a nap right? as I was dreaming, I dreamed about watching this really weird amv involving rukia from bleach and it was pretty epic. then I went to the restroom and I was apparently chatting to lily on aim. later on I went back to watch more of the amv w/ my bro going 'really alina? really?' and i'm like 'yeah. why not? it's epic isn't it?' and he was like 'yeah it is'

and THEN, the weird part starts. I see this weird ugly green type thing appear in the amv, it was a weird alien bent on destroying all of humanity apparently. and so someone was narrating (sp?) in my head abt how 'the (w/e the fuck the name is idek) has come to earth bent on destorying all of humantiy.'

and then something that was spreading this weird purple disease fume thing died and the alien was like 'fine, if you're not going to finish the job I will!' and then it kinda flew up into the air and had large purple gust of disease/parasites come out of it and it flew all over the ground ( that was somehow a farming area) and there sprouted these ugly, wrinkly, diseased tomatoes from the ground.

so after that happened the thing went away somewhere, idk where, and the narrator was like "then sprouted from the ground were these parsitic tomatoes as they grew and infected the entire nation. everyone who ate it would die with their insides eaten up. only five tomatoes will be completely unaffected and those five people who eat it will rise to save the world!"

so afterward, the dream cuts to this scene where it's me sitting on a couch eating a tomato while watching tv. which is weird because I don't eat tomatoes raw. so yeah, I was sitting there and I took a few  bites of the tomato and someone comes walking in to tell me the horrible news that I somehow already knew about (in the back of my head I'm thinking well this has GOT to be one of the unaffected tomatoes since it's nice, red, and ripe). so they tell me the news and i'm like O: oh.

then the news somehow makes it to the news station and they broadcast about the news about the tomatoes to the entire nation/world. so then it goes to this scene where there are these three? guys sitting at a counter top watching the news and being all nervous like but denying that the news is actually true. one guy who had spaghettii on his plate with tomatoe sauce all over on top said "ahahahaha, yeah.. riight. like that's true" but it was a nervous laugh. so then they turn off the tv after the news broadcast and the guy nervously plays with his food and then he's like "so not true right?" to the guy next to him and they too have spaghettii on their plates with tomato sauce all overrr.

and so he kind of messes with the food and he's like "i'm going to eat this and prove them wrong." so he takes a mouth full of spaghettii into his mouth and the other guys are watching and they're like "so...?" and then the guy is like "see? totally a bluff."

so then the other guys are like "oh, okay. totally knew that~" and ate some of the spaghettii too. then, all of a sudden the guy that just ate the spaghettii suddenly starts screaming his lungs out clutching at his throat and it's like I'm kind of there watching kind of just watching it on tv right? confusing pov, but yeah. so it's in the hallway (somehow he just runs over there screaming for help) and the other guys were like 'omfg oh shit o.o!!' and the guy was screaming like crazy and twitching and still clutching at his throat until he falls over and is dead on the carpeted floor.

While he was doing that I was kind of like o.o omfg eeww, dnw to seeee and tried to cover my vision while that was happenning. and then the other guys started to scream in pain in the same manner and went to the hallway and soon enough dropped dead.

so after thaatt. it cuts to a scene where these different four guys are trying to find a cure to the disease.
they try catching people and killing them as a sacrifice and being all like "let's kill that guy! it'll somehow save us all!" so they catch the guy and kind of pin him to a hospital type bed and then STAB kill the guy.

then they somehow catch the alien who looks like a dude with an ugly, deformed, weird scream-type mask on his face in some crappy black robes and they're like "CATCH HIIM!" and then they somehow do and pin him to a bed in a college dorm/hospital type setting (mixture of both) and they bring the knife they used to stab the previous guy to the alien's throat and the alien is kind of struggling kind of not. the alien dude is like "ha. go ahead and kill me. but just so you know things will NEVER be solved if you do!" and he kind of smirks somehow.... and the guys are like ".....DAMN!" and they are forced to let the alien guy go free because somehow they knew that the alien either had the cure or was the cure.

and so after that happens they go get a black guy again and are like " go sacrifice the guy" and they pin him to a bed and he's just kind of like '..... w/e......' although first he was kind of freaking out. and I think it was the same guy as the guy they stabbed earlier. anyways. so they are like 'kill him.' they're planning on how to properly stab the guy and they just stabbed him through the middle of his forehead. and the guys pretty muchly dies.

then the black guy (idek why it's a black guy but it is) is somehow alive AGAIN, and they're like 'damn, didn't work. how about we stab him in the back of the head?' and they turn him around and position the knife at the bottom of the head where the spine is. and they're kind of hesitating, being all like 'i don't know, dude. idk if that'll work. i don't think we should do it.' so the guy that's holding the knife is like '........' hesitation and being all 'idk wtf to dooooooooo' and then he's like, 'ugh. fine' and let's go of the guy's head and flip him around where we see the black guy with a small deep hole (and it's a deep black that somehow has no blood around it despite being just recently stabbed' and I was thinking 'wow they can kill that guy as many times as they want and he'll never die!'

and then when the guys is flipped around, you see the black guy is wearing a type of hospital gown-esque attire and they're in a hospital type scene in a cluttered-ish area and it's slightly dark but the lights are on, although the blinds are covering a majority of the window. then the guys are like 'maybe we should slice open his stomach?' and bring a knife to around the guys abdomen. then they're about to do it when suddenly there's a pregnant lady to the left side of the room (next to the window) about to give birth, screaming for help from the guys about to stab the guy. and the guys are like O: 'ooh ahahaha (nervously) riight, course. we were going to help yoou~ we totally knew that~' and the guys go over to the pregnant lady and were about to perform c-section while the lady was on the bed.

what: rl, why: weird dreams

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