Happy 22nd Birthday TOP oppa!

Nov 03, 2009 23:58

Title: Happy Birthday, Hyung!
Pairing(s): TOP-harem. Read to find out which pairing prevails 8D
Genre(s): humor, fluff, drama, romance
Author(s): xbigbangx, starrkat94, &
Warning(s): Everyone is kinda ooc, for the fun of it. :3
Length: two-shot
A/N(s): Well, we wrote this as a 3 way collab. Prolly not that great, and it's incomplete too. ahaha. Since we're busy people, we had to split this up into 2 parts. Mostly because of the different time zones between us. I have to get to sleep & they have to do other stuff. Post part 2 up tomorrow. (: Hopefully. Part 2 in progress at this time. Yes, it's a bit iffy. But oh well. What you get for doing a 3 way collab on 2 different IMs. ahaha. Hope you guys enjoy it :3

PS. Srs bsns in this. Shouldn't be there but it turned out to be there.

PSS. Also a double standard. Part of the request filled out for minky_ccl. Hope you like it.


"Happy birthday hyung!" they all shouted out happily the second he opened his eyes, everyone crowded around his bed to greet him. They all fought and shoved each other for dominance of Seunghyun's line of vision. He had to groan and roll around a bit as the loud shouts and shoving made his head throb and didn't serve to do anything for his cranky attitude as it normally was in the morning.

"Go away. Give me my peace and quiet. I need my beauty sleep," After a long moment of loud shouts and yelling, he dragged himself out of bed reluctantly.

Seunghyun pushed his way past the other four, who were in a heated argument about who would get to spend time with him first.

"He's mine first!" Daesung yelled over the others.

"No, he's mine! I'm the youngest!" Seungri shouted, adding to the noise.

"He's not yours, he's most definitely mine first!" Jiyong yelled, shaking his head as Seungri and Daesung continued to argue with him.

"No! He's mine first, because I'm the next oldest," Taeyang inserted.

"When are they ever going to stop?" Seunghyun thought as he poured himself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. He sat down, alone, in the dimly lit kitchen. As the arguing escalated and moved into the living room, the head ache that had been building up finally made him slip out of the kitchen, and out of the apartment. As he heard the door latch quietly behind him, he sighed and pulled his hood up over his messy hair.

"No! I called him first. And you know it!" The other member's yells could be heard even as he walked down the hallway to leave the building.

Seungri looked the room. "Y-yah! Where'd he go?" He shouted. The others stopped bickering and looked around.

"HYUNG?" Jiyong called, sprinting from the room. "Yah! Hyung! Where'd you go?!" Jiyong complained as he and everyone else searched all around the apartment for their favorite hyung.

After 10 minutes of fruitless searching, they all somehow met back in the living room at the same time, glaring at each other in competitoin. "Yah! This is all YOUR fault, Daesung!" Seungri accused.

"What?! How is it MY fault? It's YOUR fault TOP-hyung left in the first place!" Daesung yelled back.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" Youngbae screamed, everyone turned to look at Youngbae. "It wasn't either of your fault! ... IT WAS JIYONG'S!"

"WHAT?!" Jiyong screamed incredulously, "How is it MY fault?!" Daesung and Seungri turned to Jiyong. "GET HIM!" They both shouted and dived him, silencing him from saying much else.

Youngbae smirked and carefully stepped around the youngers. Sliding on his shoes, he slipped out the door. Now I can go find TOP-hyung and have all of him to myself. Youngbae thought to himself as he cackled evilly within his mind. Oh how easy it is to trick those two stupid dongsaengs.

"Oh, TOP-hyung!" Youngbae sang out as he searched adamantly for his hyung. While Youngbae was out searching for his hyung, the other three were left in the apartments to fight.

"Yah! Get off of me! THE BOTH OF YOU!" Jiyong screeched as they rolled around and hit each other relentlessly, kicking shoving and all.

"I'm the damn leader of this group, and you WILL listen to what I tell you to do!" Jiyong screeched out as the three of them continued to roll around, hitting objects and furniture in their little fight. Pouting, Seungri and Daesung let go.

"But you scared TOP-hyung away!" Daesung whined

"No I did-... WHERE THE HELL HAS YOUNGBAE GONE NOW?" Daesung hugged himself and looked around his fearful eyes. "Omo, first TOP-hyung now Tae-hyung! Is... Is something TAKING them?" He squeaked out.

"Daesung, shut up." Seungri said with a deadpanned expression. "That is the stupidest thing I've heard come out of your mouth yet!" he continued as he shook his head.

"Yah, respect your hyung!" Daesung exclaimed

"Nyeeh!" Seungri said while he stuck out his tongue defiantly. "Don't hafta if I don't wanna~"

As the two started fighting, Jiyong found this as his ticket to escape. "And where do you think YOU'RE going Mr. Kwon Leader?!" Daesung said sharply as he temporarily stopped his bickering with the maknae causing Jiyong froze at the door, his shoes half on.

"Don't think I'll let you get away this time, oh no! First TOP-hyung then Tae-hyung? How stupid do you think I am?!"

"Uuhh... very?" Jiyong said as he slipped on the rest of shoes and bolted out the door.

"YAH!" Daesung yelled, once again lunging at Jiyong.

"Too late, too slow, buh-bye!" Jiyong said as he ran out the door and down the hallway.

Seungri rolled his eyes at his hyung and walked into the kitchen. "Whatever, I'm eating his cake."

"Weren't you just fighting over TOP-hyung a moment ago, maknae?"

"Whatever, he'll come back sometime soon, right?" Seungri said, poking around in the refrigerator. "I mean, come on. It's ice cream cake. How can you not come back for that?"

"True…" Daesung nodded, and followed the youngest into the kitchen. Seungri pulled out the large white box and set it on the table.

"Let's stick candles in it, so it'll be more birthday like!"

"Without the birthday boy?" Daesung grumbled, looking down at the cake. He had picked up the cake last night with Youngbae. They had spent a long time in the shop ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the intricate decorations, and then talking non-stop to back to their apartment about how Seunghyun would just love the cake. But now, the guest of honor wasn't even here to make the sounds of admiration and appreciation he had hoped to hear.

"Hyung, are you going to smile and enjoy the cake or not?" Seungri asked, holding the small box of matches in his hand, ready to light the colorful candles stuck randomly in the cake. The phone rang, and he ran to put the call on speakerphone.


"Don't you dare think about eating that cake," Youngbae's stern voice came through the speaker.

"Don't even think about touching it,"

"Daayyyyuuuuuuum, how'd ya know Bae?!" Daesung said amazedly as he stared wide eyed at the phone, mouth hung open ridiculously. "You, like. Have those inkling spider senses. Like spider man! except.. mother..status." Daesung continued.

Youngbae was silent. "Um, thank... you...?"

Seungri sighed. "Fine, fine, fine..."

"Daesungie~ Do you want to go buy me ice-cream?" Seungri asked, latching onto Daesung's arm.

"Hell no, go get it yourself maknae."

"Fine, I will!" Seungri huffed. Grabbing his wallet and keys from the bench, he marched towards the door and exited the dorm. Daesung smirked before his eyes widening.
"YAH, THAT WAS MY WALLET! GET BACK HERE YOU THEIF!" He shouted, running after the maknae.

"GET BACK HERE!" Daesung yelled as he ran out of the building, into the street. He could see Seungri stop for a split second to grin before running off again. Other people walking down the sidewalk gave him strange looks as he weaved in and out of the morning commuters. Seungri laughed as he waived his hyung's wallet around.

"Ooph, sorry!" he said as he bumped into a tall man with the hood of his sweatshirt pulled up over his head, and immediately ran off so Daesung wouldn't catch up to him before he bought his ice cream with a waffle cone.

"It's.. fine," Seunghyun sighed, knowing the youngest member didn't hear his response. He probably wouldn't care anyways, he thought as he continued to make his way down the street.

He jammed his hands into his pockets and continued to make his way out of the center of the city. He wanted to get away from all the busy streets, all the people pushing and shoving around, and all the arguing in the dorm.

But it wasn't possible when you carry around a cell phone, he was reminded when it began to ring.


"Hey, hyung, I'm sorry about this morning," Youngbae's apologetic voice could be heard above the morning traffic.

"It's fine," Seunghyun said and pursed his lips. "I'm going to go now,"

"Wait! Hyun-" but before Youngbae could even finish, Seunghyun promptly shut his phone.

"Why can't they just leave me in peace?" Seunghyun sighed as he ran a hand over his face tiredly. All he wanted was a day of peace and quiet, it was a day off for them anyways.

"Just one day all to myself, is that too much to ask for?" Seunghyun mumbled out. As he continued to mumble quietly to himself, he was suddenly knocked into someone, causing him to stumble back. In all the commotion, his hood had somehow fallen off from his head and a loud screeching was heard that hurt his ears.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S CHOI SEUNGHYUN! THE Choi Seunghyun! OH MY GOOOD! I love you so much!" the girl exclaimed loudly as she spazzed over meeting her idol.

"Oh shit." Seunghyun thought.

"Uuhh... I.. gotta go.. bye!" Seunghyun mumbled out quickly as he made a mad dash out of there.

"WAIT, NO! COME BACK!" The girl screeched. Taking a quick glance behind himself, Seunghyun noticed that a group of girls were slowly forming behind him.

"I want your autograph!"
"Give me your hoodie, please?!"
"Can I hug you?!"
"Wait! Let me take a picture with you!"

Seunghyun skidded to a stop as a young girl appeared in front of him. In her hands were a box of chocolate.
"Choi oppa!" the girl exclaimed out happily as she was able to meet her idol on her way to delivering her present to her favorite idol.
"I-" but was cut off when Seunghyun frantically looked around and then made a mad dash in a different direction, leaving behind a disappointed fangirl. "He must be busy..." she said quietly to herself dejectedly as she continued on her original route of dropping off the chocolates at YGE's front desk.

As Seunghyun was finally able to shake off his rabid group of fangirls, he let out his breath in relief. Sinking into a park bench, Seunghyn groaned. His feet, legs and lungs hurt. Reaching behind himself, he quickly pulled his hood back over his head. No way was that happening again.

"Well, this is one crappy birthday so far," Seunghyun grumbled as he slowly evened out his harsh breathing.

"Hyung...?" someone called out as he heard approaching footsteps. For a second he tensed, wary of the person who called out for him. He looked up at the person and was relieved to see that it was only Jiyong.

"Oh, Jiyong-ah... It's only you..." Seunghyun breathed out, leaning back on the bench. He missed the way that the younger flinched. Only you.

Only me, huh? Jiyong thought bitterly but bit back his disappointment as he instead questioned Seunghyun.

"Are you alright hyung? You look a bit... dead..." Jiyong warily inquiried. Seunghyun smiled softly and waved his hand around, replying "Don't worry about it."

"Why so down in the dumps, hyung? You should be having a great time! It is your birthday after all!"

"Nothings wrong, Ji." Jiyong narrowed his eyes, giving him a skeptical look. "Hyung, I can tell when you're lying." Seunghyun avoided his gaze.

"I'm not lying. I'm just tired, that's all."

"Yah! Why wont you tell me what's wrong?" Seunghyun sighed and muttered out softly,

"Because of you..."

"What?" Jiyong asked. "I missed that, could you-..."

"I said it's you!" Jiyong blinked in surprised as he took a step back.

"W-what are you-..."

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Seunghyun muttered, standing up from the bench. Jiyong lunged forward, grabbing onto Seunghyun's arm.

"Stop saying that! It's not NOTHING!"

"FINE!" Seunghuyn shouted, ripping his arm out of Jiyong's grip. "You want to know why? Do you REALLY want to know, Jiyong?"

Jiyong nodded. "Yes, hyung. I want to know."

"You... You're so caught up in your solo album that I never get to see you! And on the chance occasion I DO, you're either fussing over Seungri or doing something with Youngbae!" Jiyong blinked. "I get you for less than half an hour a WEEK if not less, because of your career and I respect that... But then somehow you've found time for everyone else!"
"Hyung, don't be silly. That's not true."
"Yes it is, Ji. Think about it. We hardly ever get to see each other, you're almost always either doing your solo work, taking up your responsiblity as the leader of this group, or dong something or another with the damn maknae or with Youngbae. THINK about it, Ji."

Jiyong had to shut his mouth and actually THINK over the past months. All his promotions, all his performances. All his time spent with either the maknae or with Bae. And that's when it hit him. Seunghyun was right. He was neglecting his own boyfriend.

"Hyung, I'm really-..."
"HYUNG, HYUNG ARE YOU HERE?" Jiyong looked in the direction of Youngbae's voice.

Seunghyun sighed and looked sadly at Jiyong. "Bye, Ji. I'll see you at home..."


A/N: More later :3 Look out for it later today/tomorrow kay? ahaha. Hopefully the humor/romance/fluff will be back soon. Comments are love? :P

genre: drama, p: tabiri, twoshot, humor, fluff, romance, p: tobae, gtop

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