Stop Seducing My Boyfriend!

Nov 01, 2009 00:23

Title: Stop Seducing My Boyfriend!
Pairing: GTOP
Genre: humor
Summary: TOP doesn't like sharing, and Ri keeps trying to 'seduce' GD.
A/N: Based off of this gif , written on aim originally w/starrkat94 and then finished it for
no_genre. Hope it was funny...ish?


It was a long day before their performance ended and they were on their way home. Of course, despite that fact, you could find 3 of the 5 members quarreling over something or another backstage. Even onstage their seemed to be a silent war going on between two members and one of them caught in the middle.

"Maknae..." TOP growled out in a dangerous warning, expression dark with jealousy and anger.

What exactly was he jealous and angry over? Well, let's find out, shall we?

"Stop trying to seduce my boyfriend!" he yelled out as he snapped at Ri like a snapping turtle.

"Yeah right, hyung! You know he wants me!" Ri yelled back equally angry at being yelled at.

"Everybody wants me. I'm cute like that." Ri huffed out as he crossed his arms vainly.

"No he doesn't! He is mine!" TOP yelled back even angrier. Oh man is it fun to provoke hyung like this, Ri thought as he snickered in his mind, but keeping his vain expression upon his face on the surface like any good actor.

"Um... you.. guys..?" GD squeaked out meekly, trying to capture the attention of his two band mates, as he was caught in the middle of the quarreling two. Why so much fuss over something so small? Of course, he was ignored as they continued to go at each other, voices escalting to the point that people who soon enough hear their arguement from outside the room.

"Oh, puh-lease, hyung. Don't be so selfish. Learn how to share." Ri said as he sniffed indignantly.

"Coming from a panda that doesn't share himself?" TOP asked incredulously as he raised an eyebrow at the statement.

"Oh please. Don't make me laugh," he continued as he scoffed at the ridiculous idea. Him? Share HIS boyfriend? He had all rights to keep him to himself.

Seungri scoffed in mock hurt as he put a hand to his chest with a scandalized look upon his expression, replying, "Me? Not share? Why! I share all the time!"

"Pfft. Liar." TOP said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyways. Stay away from GD. He belongs to ME, and ONLY me. Got that?" TOP continued as he scowled and shoved Seungri a bit. After shoving the panda, TOP grabbed GD and took him away from the maknae, holding him closely in a hug from behind as he led him away.

"Stop letting that panda seduce you, GD! Remember, you belong to me!" TOP said in his jealous rage, possessively clinging onto GD as he led him down the corridor toward the stage.

"But hyuuuungg~" GD whined as he was dragged toward the door, "It's just fanservice!" before he was silenced by a kiss from TOP that left him dazed.
A/N: Okay so yes, it was fail. I tried my best but the second version I tried to write out I couldn't finish and it was worse than this, so I hope you at least had a good laugh? Hope you liked it, really. Comments are love.

fluff, gri, fanfic: oneshot, gtop

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