Sing Me To Sleep

Oct 25, 2009 01:03

Title: Sing Me To Sleep
Pairing: GTOP
Author: loventell/xbigbangx
Genre: fluff (coughfailedfluffcough)
Summary: Seunghyun can't sleep despite his exhausting schedule through out the day, so he asks Jiyong to sing him to sleep.
A/N: I hope you liked it. It's. er. weird. And I got the prompt from the Big Bang Pairing/Prompt generator. Except. Different pairing. ahaha. -ssshh-. Plus. There's been a GTOP drought lately, and well. I'm trying to revive it a little bit ^^;;. This time for Erica on msn. ahaha.

It was a long and restless day for the members of Big Bang and by the time they had gotten home, everyone was ready to hit their beds and go to sleep. Everyone but one of them that is. It seems that no matter how tired he was, he couldn't fall asleep. Even after their long day of strenuous labor that involved lots of photo shoots and interviews, one would think they'd be so tired they would fall asleep the moment they stepped into their humble abode.

With a heavy sigh, Seunghyun dragged his beat and exhausted body toward his shared room, everyone having either already entered their home and gone into their rooms or flopped into the couch not having the energy to even make it to their room.

Seunghyun somehow manages to make it to his correct room in his tired slightly drowsy but not exactly sleepy state. A groan escapes his lips as he flops down upon his bed beside the awake Jiyong.

"Hey hyung," Jiyong greeted tiredly, yawning as he waved softly at his hyung. Seunghyun grunts in reply as he lies still upon the bed, body relaxing into the contours of the soft mattress in appreciation.

A long silence followed as Jiyong stared disapprovingly at Seunghyun for that type of greeting from him, pouting a bit as he slightly mulled over being ignored.

With an appreciative sigh, Seunghyun smiles contentedly, flipping over onto his back as he pulls the covers over his body. He stares at Jiyong as he pouts adorably, causing him to chuckle a bit at the cute sight.

That caused Jiyong to blush lightly as he scowled at Seunghyun childishly, mumbling quietly to himself, "What kind of greeting is that?" Seunghyun continues to laugh softly at Jiyong before he drags himself off the comfortable bed and settles next to Jiyong. He takes Jiyong's head in his hands in softly places a kiss upon his forehead, mumbling a soft, "Hey there," before making himself comfortable right beside Jiyong on his bed.

"Yah. You know you have your own bed over there!" Jiyong complains slightly as Seunghyun made himself comfortable. Seunghyun simply smiled in reply saying, "Yours is more comfy?" before laughing softly, burying his head in Jiyong's pillow to make hsi poing. Jiyong shook his head at the reply as he clicked his tongue in slight mock annoyance.

Jiyong instead smiled at the new greeting, now content with the appropriate attention. A long moment passed as Jiyong simply sat beside the seemingly slumbering Seunghyun, scribbling in his notebook for a new song. However, it wasn't long before Seunghyun began tossing and turning a bit, trying to get comfortable but failing. He exhaled sharply in annoyance as he settled, perplexed at how he was unable to fall asleep.

Jiyong simply continued writing in that notebook, humming softly to himself as he thought of words that would go great with the developing melody in his head. He briefly glanced down at the restless Seunghyun in question as he tossed and turned before diverting his attention back to his notebook.

Seunghyun rose from his position upon the bed to instead sit up beside Jiyong upon the semi-cramped bed.

"Ji.. I can't sleep." Seunghyun whined like a little kid as he tugged on his arm, resting his head upon Jiyong's shoulder tiredly.

"Well what do you want me to do about it?" Jiyong replied as he stopped writing to look at Seunghyun.

"Sing me to sleep?" Seunghyun asked hopefully after a long moment of silence and careful thought, grin wide upon his face.

Jiyong giggled softly as he shook his head at the request. "Well, what would I get out of it?" he asked teasingly as he nudged Seunghyun for a reward.

"Hmm..." Seunghyun fake contemplated as he placed a thinking finger upon his chin, looking as if he were in deep thought.

"Oh, I know!" Seunghyun exclaimed in a 'eureka' type fashion as he snapped his fingers, smile growing wider with a slightly mischievous gleam to it. And right after he exclaimed that, he gently took Jiyong's head into his hands and placed a soft kiss onto Jiyong's lips, lingering as long as he possibly could before he had to pull away for air.

"How about that?" Seunghyun asked as he pulled away from the mesmerizing kiss that left them both equally breathless and hearts beating erratically. He could feel the mad blush on Jiyong's cheeks and smiled at the adorable sight.

"T-that's good," Jiyong slightly stuttered out as he bit his lip in happiness.

"Now will you sing me to sleep?" Seunghyun asked in a hopeful and childish manner. Jiyong nodded slowly in a slight daze at the unexpected kiss, but happy nonetheless.

"Good!" Seunghyun smiled as he lay back down, but this time upon Jiyong's comfortable lap.

"Yah! I'm not your personal pillow you know!" Jiyong exclaimed at Seunghyun's move, but smiled nonetheless at the cute sight that is purely Seunghyun. He sighed softly before shaking his head and instead put down his paper and pen to instead tend to the task of taking care of Seunghyun.

"You are now," Seunghyun whispered out softly in a teasing manner as he winked and laughed, causing Jiyong to laugh along with him.

"Whatever you say, hyung," Jiyong said. A long moment passed and everything seemed to grow quiet in a comfortable silence where Seunghyun remained laying upon Jiyong's lap and Jiyong thinking of what to sing to Seunghyun. Jiyong eventually decided to sing a soft lullaby and cradled Seunghyun's head within his lap.

As he began to softly sing a lullaby that he's known since childhood, Seunghyun settled down even more and was soon enough fast asleep as Jiyong moved his hands through Seunghyun's hair in soft, loving, soothing strokes.

Jiyong smiled down at the sleeping figure of Seunghyun before temporarily stopping his ministrations to bend down and place a chaste kiss upon Seunghyun's slightly parted lips in a loving gesture, smile wide upon both their faces.


I didn't like this too much since it's not as much fluff as I'd like it to be, but oh well? I hope you liked it~! Comments are love.

fluff, fanfic: oneshot, gtop

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