Party Time!

Oct 03, 2009 22:57

Title: Party! (since.. I fail at titles)
Pairing: TabiRi
Genre: fluff (omg, I know~)
A/N: It's.. failed fluff, so... I hope it's okay?? xD

The two Seunghyun's had been left all alone on a Saturday night in their small shared apartment while everyone else was still out doing their respective activities. Bored out of their minds, they tried to think of an activity to do.

"How about we play a game?" Seungri suggests idly.

"Naah. No game would be fun with just the two of us." Seunghyun replies as he flips through a magazine upon the couch.

"Then... oh! I know!" Seungri exclaims happily as he stands from his position next to his hyung upon the couch to fly across the room.

Seunghyun looks up from his magazine to see Seungri flying all over the place and decides to put down the magazine and stand up from the couch and walk toward the maknae before stopping short so as to not collide with the exuberant bundle of cuteness running everywhere.

"So..." Seunghyun starts before he's cut off by Seungri who beckons him over. He simply stays where he was as Seungri says with a huge grin,

"Let's party, hyung!" Seungri stated laughing as he ran around the living room to turn on the music, turn of the lights, and turn on the disco lights. A beautiful, peaceful, and soft melody begins to fill the room as Seunghyun looks at Seungri running all around before stopping right in front of him, smile wide on his face and eyes twinkling.

Seunghyun can't stop the smile from spreading across his own face as he quirks an eyebrow toward Seungri in question.

"Now? Just the two of us?" Seunghyun inquires, despite already knowing the answer.

"Yeah! It'll be fun, hyung! Come on!" Seungri replies back enthusastically as he holds out his hand toward Seunghyun. Seunghyun simply stares at the hand with a now faint smile upon his face for a moment before he decides to simply shrug and take the offered hand with a wide grin.

"Yah, it better be fun, or else I'm gonna want a refund." Seunghyun says as he steps closer into Seungri's personal space. Of course, he knew it would be fun, the maknae was there with him afterall.

"Hyung, don't be silly! I promise you, you'll have tons of fun!" Seungri laughs softly as he nudges his hyung with his elbow. And with those words Seungri takes Seunghyun's hand in his and places one on his shoulder and the other upon his waist.

Seungri steps even closer into Seunghyun, laying his head upon his hyung's shoulder as he smiles contentedly, the both of them swaying to the music.

Seungri can feel the pulse in his veins flow deaftly through his ears and feel the butterflies in his stomach float all over, giving him a tingly feeling all over. Seungri bites his lip in satisfaction as his hyung brought them closer and too started to sway along with the soft beats of the song, resting his head upon the maknae's head.

Seunghyun can feel the maknae's content sigh and buries his head into the maknae's hair, great smile on his features and heart beating faster and faster at being so close to his adorable maknae.

"Seungri..." Seunghyun whispers out softly, eyes and features gentle with a faint smile tracing his lips. His eyes sparkle with happiness as the music continues to play in the background. Seunghyun looks straight into the maknae's eyes and slowly he moves his hand from upon maknae's shoulder to slowly carress his cheek, thumb lightly brushing over Seungri's lips.

Seungri can feel his face burn at the calm, loving, caring gesture as his heart begins to race wildly. What was his hyung doing? He gulps softly as he stares mesmerized into his hyung's enchanting eyes.

"Hyung...?" and it seems that his eyes are heavy as they slowly begin to close and Seunghyun's face draws ever nearer. He can feel his hyung's soft breath upon his face as he anticipates the next move, wanting his hyung to just kiss him already.

Seunghyun's eyes slowly close and soon enough, he closes the distance between the maknae and him with his lips, brushing them very lightly and softly over the maknae's, lingering as long as he can before he pulls away.

"Saranghae..." Seunghyun breathes out softly as he pulls away from the kiss to rest his forehead upon the maknae's. Seungri simplpy slowly opens his eyes as he stares at Seunghyun's closed ones, looks as his hyung softly bites his bottom lip in anticipation for Seungri's response.

Thinking through his reply carefully, Seungri decides upon his response. He smiles broadly as he wraps his arms around his hyung's neck and stands on his tip toes slightly and kisses his hyung.

At first it was soft but as Seunghyun's eyes flew open in slight shock at the response, Seunghyun soon relaxes into the kiss, sighing contentedly as he pulls the maknae closer and deepens the kiss.

And they simply stay like that, kissing for a long moment of time, passionately and closely, lingering into the kiss as much and long as possible before they have to pull apart for air.

"So... what's your answer?" Seunghyun asks breathlessly, happy and ecstatic at being able to kiss the adorable maknae twice in one night.

"Silly hyung. I love you too." Seungri replies with a slightly teasing tone as he hugs his hyung tightly, heart and soul soaring high in the sky from happiness as his hyung holds him closely.

Looking back up at his hyung, Seungri bites his lip cutely before pulling Seunghyun down for another passionate kiss, one that lasts just as long if not impossibly longer than the previous.

So absorbed into themselves they were, that they heard and felt nothing but each other in their arms, hearts and hands intertwining as they continue to kiss. They both felt the happiest possible, happiest in the world even as they both smile into the kiss that intoxicates them and fills them with the need and want for more.

Time passed by and soon enough, they pull impossibly closer, deepening the kiss even further as they bask in the wonderous sensation.

But sooner or later, the dull click of the door indicating the prescence of someone entering their humble abode, in walking Jiyong, Daesung and Youngbae.

They walk into the living room, all of them tired and beat from their long day of work, only to be greeted by the sight of the maknae and hyung kissing each other and holding each other tightly. They smile softly and happily at the sight as they realize that those two had finally found each other.

"Oooh~ I see someone is getting some action tonight!" Jiyong exlaims out teasingly as he laughs at his own remark, nudging Youngbae in the gut who stood right beside him.

At that remark, the two kissing love birds fly away from each other as they step away quickly, looking at the floor in embarrassment, faces burning from being caught.

But the both of them couldn't stop the smile from spreading across their faces. Jiyong continues to laugh as Youngbae shakes his head at Jiyong, walking away from the scene and Jiyong as he pulls Jiyong along with him.

"Just ignore him, hyung. He's only kidding. You guys can resume your activities." Youngbae teases lightly as he winks toward them, causing the two to blush even further, turning so red that it seemed to be a red hue not in the spectrum.

Daesung follows the two leaving as he grins widely, winking as well as he passes the two embarrassed love birds.

"Have fun you too. Tell me how it goes, ne maknae?" Daesung teases before he runs for his room before being hit by the pillow thrown by Seungri.

But despite all their teasing, everyone within the household could be found grinning.

A/N: Lame ending, I knowww. But I'm not good at starting or ending stuff. I hope you liked it?? Comments are love~

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