(no subject)

Mar 26, 2007 14:31

Title: Show me the rape scene one more time
Author: ”xbexmyxlilxcutx”
Disclaimer: I don’t know, nor own, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Ray Toro or any other person mentioned in this story. I do own the plot, so unauthorized copying will result in Gerard coming to your house and sucking your blood.
Rating: Hard R.
Pairing: FrankxGerard
Summary: After a party, Gerard tries to get closer to Frank. But there are memories that haunt Frank.
Warnings: Bad words, implied child abuse. Boys kissing.
Author’s Note: AU. I made them younger, Frank is 17, Gerard is 21. Originally posted on a German FanFiction site. Every Time I Die own the title. Parts in italics are flashbacks.
Thx: Sammy --> ”SammyBlade” for being my beta and for being awesome.

Show me the rape scene one more time

“Hey Frankie. You gonna drink another beer with me?“
Frank lifted his head and saw Gerard stumbling toward him, a bottle of beer in each hand. “You know, I’m really wasted.” he tried to answer, with a lot of effort. Gerard immediately started to pout. “Okay, okay. ‘Cuz you’re my best friend. But you’ll have to carry me home afterwards.”
Gerard smiled again. He fell into the stool next to Frank and put the bottle in front of him. They said their “Cheers” and slowly emptied their bottles.

„Hey guys. Do you like it here?“ asked Ray Toro, who had suddenly appeared behind them, and was as drunk as they were.
Frank grabbed a paper towel to clean up the beer he had spilled, Ray’s sudden question had scared the fuck out of him, and answered: “It’s okay. I’m tired. But I like your house.” Meanwhile, Gerard thanked Ray again and again for the invitation.

Ray was celebrating his 21st birthday and wanted his fellow student Gerard at his party. And Gerard insisted on Frank accompanying him. And now Frank was totally wasted, more than he had ever been.
His parents would go nuts if they knew what Frank was doing -he was only 17 and not yet allowed to drink alcohol- so Gerard offered Frank to let him stay the night.
“It’s great that you guys are here.” Ray told them again, as he disappeared into the crowd.

“So are you really tired?” Frank inspected the brand label on the back of the bottle and yawned slightly. It was 1.30 a.m., he wasn’t sober anymore, it had been a hard day, school as well as work had worn him out, and he hadn’t slept properly for three nights.
Plus, he was bored. He knew no one besides Gerard at this party. Normally, that wouldn’t have been much of a problem, but he was by far the youngest. Apart from Gee and Ray, everyone else seemed to be in their mid twenties.
“Yeah.” Gerard gave him a small smile. „Kay, shorty. Let’s go back home. “

He got up and helped Frank to get up too. They looked for Ray and said their good-byes.
Then they got out into the warm night. Hardly talking, they walked under the starlight. It was a 30 minutes walk to Gerard’s.

“Gee? Your offer still stands?”
“Which one?”
“You wanted to carry me home.”
Gerard raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?“
Frank nodded. That smile re-appeared on Gerard’s face.
“Well then, jump on my back.”
He carried Frank piggy back style for the rest of the way. Frank rested his head against Gerard’s shoulder and closed his eyes.

“Here we are.” Frank’s feet hit the floor. “That’s weird… why are the lights still on? My precious family should be in bed by now.”
“I say we go in, so you’ll see why they are still up.”
Frank rubbed his eyes. He actually fell asleep on Gerard’s back. But now, his tiredness had subsided. Gerard didn’t seem to be sleepy either.
As quietly as possible, he unlocked the door, even if it was senseless. His parents were up and awake, they would notice him and Frank.
Muffled voices could be heard from the living room.
“Hello?” Gerard called towards the voices. “Mom? Dad?“
He told Frank to follow him and made his way to the living room.

They found Gerard’s parents, as well as Mikey, the neighbours and Gerard’s aunt and uncle on the couch, looking at pictures, drinking wine and eating chips.
“Oh, hey, Gerard, hun,” His mother greeted him.
“What are you doing here so late?” Gerard wanted to know.
“Uncle Jim and Aunt Mary popped in this evening. They didn’t call because it was meant to be a surprise for us. And a surprise it was, let me tell you.” She grinned.
Said Uncle Jim waved at Gerard, and Donna saw Frank for the first time that evening.
“You wanted to stay over tonight, didn’t you? Fuck.” She smacked her forehead, saying “I had totally forgotten about that.”
“You won’t send him home now, will you?”
“Hell, no.” Donna thought for a while. “But Jim and Mary have the guest room… Frank, would you mind spending this one night in Gerard’s room? And could you share the bed?”
“Of course I don’t mind.”
“Good. Wait, I’ll get you a blanket.“

Frank followed Gerard into his basement room and sat down on his bed. A few minutes later, Donna knocked and handed him a pillow and a blanket. “G’night.” She pecked Gerard on the cheek and left them.

Frank turned toward Gerard. “I’m not tired anymore. How ‘bout you?“
“Nope. But…” He opened his nightstand and grabbed more beer. “We could drink some more and watch a movie?”
“A movie sounds good.”
Frank stripped off his jeans and hoodie and climbed into Gerard’s bed.
Afterwards, Gerard put a DVD in the player, opened two bottles of beer, and crawled into bed.
Frank took a sip of beer and got closer to Gerard.

One hour and a half later, Frank had gotten even closer. He hadn’t really noticed it, but while watching, he had slipped even closer to Gerard.
Gerard had wrapped his arm around him and made small, circling motions with his thumb on the sensitive skin of Frank’s neck.
“What now?” He asked softly. “Dunno,” Frank answered, as quietly as Gerard.
He placed his head on Gerard’s shoulder.
“Frank?” There was something in his voice that made Frank look up.
“What’s up?”
“Would you mind if…”
Instead of finishing his question, Gerard pressed his lips to Frank’s.
Frank opened his eyes in surprise, but closed them quickly again. He decided to enjoy this, as long as it lasted.
In case he regretted tomorrow anything that happened between them this night, he could always blame the booze, right?

Gerard shifted positions, so that Frank was on his back and he straddled Frank. He licked over Frank’s neck.

He’s on the floor. All he sees is this face, with a bit of light behind it. Nothing else.

Frank shivered, but not from Gerard’s touches. What was that?
Gerard kissed his way from Frank’s neck to his collarbone.

It’s New Years Eve, people are talking outside. And behind him. He is seven and at his parents friends’ place.

Gerard kissed him again, licked over his lower lip. His tongue entered Frank’s mouth, played with his own. Frank could taste the beer in Gerard’s mouth.

Rough lips are pressed against his own. The breath smells of cheap wine. He tries to get rid of this figure. But he’s only seven. His uncle, another guest at this party, is 20 years older. Frank hasn’t got a single chance.

Why did he think of this? Why now? He had been trying to forget this incident, and for the last ten years, it had worked quite well. But now everything was coming back again. Frank started to sweat.
Gerard didn’t seem to notice the state Frank was in; he was too busy leaving a hickey on his neck.

He wants to cry for his mother. She’s sitting on the couch, right behind him, but obviously doesn’t seem to care. She continues her talk with that friend of hers. His father seems to be indifferent, too. He is too drunk to notice what goes on around him.

Frank didn’t want to think about that. He didn’t want his first kiss, his first experiences with someone else to be spoiled by it.
Gerard brought his knee between his legs, pressed his hips against Frank’s. He could feel Gerard’s boner pressing against his thigh.

Strong legs keep him pinned to the floor, while huge hands roam over his small frame. Why is there no one to help him?

Gerard’s hands touched the bare skin under his shirt, on his stomach and chest. Frank stiffened.
“Hey. You okay?“

His uncle’s hands unbutton his jeans. Frank opens his eyes in fear. He tries to call for his Mommy again, but the elder’s mouth muffles his scream.

“Frank, look at me. Is this too fast?” Finally, Gerard had noticed how uneasy Frank felt.
His face had blurred in Frank’s vision. He could only see his uncle’s face.

Finally, another pair of hands grabs him and pries him away. Frank gasps for air. Tears are running down his cheeks. His mother has come. He throws himself into her arms and allows his tears to flow.
His father keeps his uncle back.
“Shh, honey. Everything is going to be okay.” Linda faces her husband. “We’d better get going.“
His dad glares at his brother, who nods. Frank’s mom helps him stand up, helps him with his clothes. She takes him by his small hand and leads him out of the room.

“I…” Frank struggled for breath. “I-I can’t. I’m sorry.” He got up, suddenly feeling sober. He grabbed his jeans, slipped on his hoodie and hurried out of the basement door.
Gerard looked after him, a confused look on his face as he stared at the door, minutes after it was closed behind Frank.


More A/N: This story really means a lot to me, so if you think it sucks, tell me, but in a friendly way, k? Thx
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