Secrets don't make friends.

Jun 30, 2007 18:31

Title: Secret’s don’t make friends
Authors: xbexmyxlilxcut and joline_mophrine
P.O.V.: 1st, changes
Summary: Gerard needs someone to keep him company for his prom. The girl he sees at a ballet show seems just right.
Rating: Overall: NC-17, most chapters: R
Disclaimer: This is so not true. No offence meant. Never happened, never will. Though I’m sure Frank would look damn sexy in a tutu xD. Unauthorized copying will result in Gerard coming to your house and sucking your blood. FFTL own the title. Chapter title credits go to Fall Out Boy.
Warnings: Two authors who don’t know shit about ballet. I did ask someone who does know something, though.
A/N: Gerard’s P.O.V. written by Joline, Frank’s P.O.V. written by me. I translated the whole stuff and edited a few parts. Story is set in 2006 or something like that. ConCrit is greatly appreciated.
Beta: The wonderful sammyblade who helps me with my painfully bad English

1st Chapter: Dance, Dance


“Stretch, m’boy, you gotta stretch.” Mrs. Uberling’s voice could be heard clearly throughout the whole room, even at the very back where I was standing. So I bent, tried to reach my toes, and stretched my arms out again.

After having repeated this particular exercise a few times she seemed happy with me and I switched to exercising my thighs.

Mrs. Uberling focused on one of the remaining adolescents in the room, on Ashley, a twelve year old girl, to be precise. Poor kid.

“It’s important that every muscle group is worked. We don’t want them to get strained when you hit the stage, now do we? That might disable you for weeks.”

Having heard this at least four times each time we met, I was able to perfectly recite the words in my head.

And yet again I wondered what on Earth had gotten into me when I joined this ballet group.

At least I didn’t have to suffer alone. Bob, my best friend, had been kind enough to join the group with me. I think it was more his mom and grandma who convinced him to join, rather than me batting my eyelashes at him, though.

I was balancing on one foot, with the other pressed to my butt, and I scanned the whole room. We weren’t finished yet, but this didn’t really mean anything.
Training, the last training before our performance, had started only five minutes ago and (let’s face it) most girls are tardy.

But Mrs. Uberling kept glancing at her watch, worriedly. Shelly was still missing, and she was the one who had the lead.

The poor girl had been extremely hyper for weeks. I do know this, as we have met three or for times a week to practice.

I think I could do her part as well, if not better than her.

Right at this moment, someone burst through the door. I lost my fragile balance and crashed to the floor. “Very sexy, Frank…” I thought.
Leave it to me to make a fool out of myself.

With the laughter having died out a few moments later, our newcomer was able to draw attention to himself.

It was Shelly’s younger brother, and he was totally out of breath and pale. His news couldn’t be good news.

“It’s…it’s… Shelly,” He gasped. “She… when we brought her here, and she tried to get out of the car…”

I thought I already knew what had happened. It was April, and therefore the days were warm, but nights were still pretty cold and the sidewalks were glazed with ice.

Her little bro confirmed my assumption. “She slipped and fell and sprained her ankle.”

Everyone feel silent, and everyone looked at the small boy.

“Don’t say this...,” Mrs. Uberling whispered after a while.
“I must, it’s true.”
“What shall we do now?” Ashley was close to tears. She had practiced long and hard, like we all had.
“Cancel the performance? You can’t do that.” She looked to Mrs. Uberling with pleading eyes.
“No, actually we cannot do that, the audience is already here. It’s too late to cancel now.”

Mrs. Uberling frowned and seemed to think, hard.
“Frank m’boy, come here.” She gestured to make me step closer.
“You have been practicing with Shelly, haven’t you?”
“Erm, yeah.” I nodded, even though I didn’t want to.
“And you know her part like no one other than her does, don’t you?”
This time, my nod was even more reluctant. I already knew what was coming next.

“I really don’t know what else to do. There’s no way we’ll find a sub in time, and you are the only one of us who knows her part by heart.”

“Oh no, no, no, you gotta do it without me.” I raised my hands in what I hoped was a protective way. “I have to do my own part.”

“Frank, you are a tree,” Ashley said behind my back. Stupid bitch. Why did I pity her just a few minutes ago?

“I think we can do perfectly well with one less tree,” Mrs. Uberling said slowly. “But we can’t do without the queen of fairies.”

“No, no, no. I said no.”

Outside, my family was waiting, as well as a few friends, and they wanted to see my performance as a tree. There was absolutely no way I could pretend to be Eulalia, queen of fairies, on stage.

“I can’t do that. People will see that I’m no 15 year old girl.”

Again, Mrs. Uberling seemed to think.

“Shelly doesn’t look so feminine yet. You are very slender. That wouldn’t be the problem. And well, the rest could be hidden by the skirt.

Again, I loudly gave voice to my protest.

“I refuse to wear a tutu. What will the audience think of me?”

“Frank, no one would recognize you.” Thanks Bob, I love you, too.

“You’ll put make-up on, and we’ll style your hair to make it look like a girl’s. Can’t be that complicated. And even the front row seats are at least three meters away from the stage. They won’t recognize you.”

So the decision was made. Seemed like I didn’t have a say in it.
Why me?

Mrs. Uberling gave me a pink tutu, a tight, white shirt, tights, wings and (last but not least) a small, silver tiara. Then she made me go change my clothes.

You know the days when you wished you’d stayed in bed?
This definitely was one of them.


I comfortably sat in the third row and waited for the show to begin. My cousin had begged me and my family for weeks to come and see her performance. But in the end, it was only me who had come here, and only me who had had the time.

My family never had time for anything.

The light was dimmed and I focused my attention on the stage.

White fog welled up, the spotlights went on.

When the curtain was drawn, a few small figures pranced over the stage and performed graceful turns.

To the sounds of soft music, a bunch of male dancers, who were carrying some kind of palanquin, appeared. The girl on the palanquin was tonight’s star, that much was obvious.

She was wearing big, pink wings and a tiara. Because of the darkness, I couldn’t see any more details.

She descended the palanquin gracefully and danced over the whole stage, as if she wanted to escape the palanquin bearers.
Accompanied by petite figures she disappeared in a forest of small, waving trees.

The music swelled dramatically as the girl, the queen of the fairies, or something very similar, hopped to the other side of the stage, jumped, performed elegant pirouettes and ended the whole thing with a split.

I gazed at her for the whole performance. She was exactly the kind of girl that I needed.
She could dance, she had to be rather pretty, as she had got the leading role, and she seemed to be likeable, at least that was my first impression of her.

I decided to wait for her.

After what seemed like an eternity, the girls got out of their changing room, giggling and chatting. The guys followed a few moments later.

My queen, as I called her out of want for her real name, stumped next to a boy with blonde hair.

She was still wearing her make-up, the tiara and the tutu, but she had also pulled on a loose-fitted hoodie.

They were talking to each other excitedly. I got the impression that she didn’t notice me at all.

It wasn’t before I pulled at her sleeve that she stopped.

“Erm, hi?“ I introduced myself. “I’m Gerard. Josie’s a cousin of mine, er, that’s why I’m here and-“
“So what?” She interrupted me, quite crudely, I thought.
“Well, I think your performance was outstanding, and I wanted to ask you something.”
I couldn’t say more, as the boy next to the girl roared with laughter.
“Frankie, you’ve got a secret admirer.“ He still couldn’t stop laughing.
I looked at him with a confused expression on my face.
“Bob, get lost,” the girl threatened. She turned to face me.
“Sorry, what did you want to say?” I think I saw her cheeks tinge. She blushed? Well, that was cute. Somehow.

“Well, I’m supposed to go to a stupid school dance in a few weeks, and I don’t have a ‘date’ and don’t know where I can find one. So I wanted to know if you and me, perhaps… it’s just for that evening, I promise.” I looked at her pleadingly.

Frankie stared at me.

“But…I don’t know you at all and…no; I don’t think that this is a good idea. Sorry.” Those words being said, she turned and tried to catch up with the others.

“Hey Frankie. Wait, please,” I yelled.
“Don’t you think we can meet? Just once? Just to see if we get along with each other, and…well, this prom-thing is very important for me. That’s all I want from you, really.”

She slowly approached, I noticed her perfect eyebrows, and her beautiful hazel eyes. She looked at me critically. After what seemed like a lifetime she said:
“ Okay, one date. But I’m not what you’re looking for.”
“Well, we’ll see.” I smiled.

We exchanged numbers, and said our goodbye’s. Frankie’s handshake was surprisingly strong.

I was whistling on my way home. Frankie had impressed me a lot, with her rough character and bland looks.

It was weird that Josie had never so much as mentioned her. That girl could solve all my problems at once. I would have a really talented dancer as my ‘date’ and no one could backbite me.

I told myself to tell Frankie why she had nothing to fear from me as soon as possible. My intentions were completely innocent.

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