Title: It Happens To Everyone.
Author: Seven... well, Me.
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Mike/Tré.
Disclaimer: Not real, don't sue. Fan Fiction.
Summary: Mike discovers something terribly wrong.
x0x_whatsername and
jimmy_tinsel because they are my wonderful wifeys and because of the reason stated at the end of this oneshot
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"WHAT?!NO!!UGH!!!!-dies overdramtically-"
But, I hope you have fun doing het. OH! And I should show you the Het story I'm working on. I wrote back in freshman year so don't laugh.XD
Although, I will miss you on here, FO SHO. XDXD Gangsta-ness.
AND TALK TO YOU ON MYSPACE AND AIM.XDXDXD 'Cause you know ya wanna. *dances*
I love het.
Honestly, it's what got me into this whole Green Day fanfiction thing in the first place. It was my home for over a year.
Then I found slash.
This is harder than I thought it would be.
Het is also what got me into this too. But then I quickly went to slash for some reason.
And you're welcome. I LOVE dying on your behalf.XD
Feel better though.Really.
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