stuff and things

Jul 10, 2008 10:57

hm, isn't this how it always goes? slow at work = post! or something. or a ramble. eh. your choice to read it! XD

the wedding was amazingly fun and made me realize, once again, how awesome my friends are and how keenly i feel their absence in my life. it happens, yes, it's a part of life, blah blah blah, but it also quite definitely SUCKS. i want my friends! the ones where i don't HAVE to make an effort to pretend to be normal around because they already KNOW i'm hella weird and they don't CARE. so it goes. i do have some good friends out here, but it's still definitely a different sort of dynamic. not that i've expected to find the same sort of connections with people now that i did in college, but i would like to know more people my own age who are cool and not quite as superficial and who are just as dorky as i am. is that such an impossible request? >_>;;; mehbeh. XD

but yeah, it was great to see everyone. d. clark and i ended up talking till 6 am sunday morning because we were like "when will we get to do this again? who knows!?!?" i really miss my awesome friends.

but! in other news! work is work. one of the ladies i work with is getting ready to go on maternity leave (next week). i really like the temp we hired, she's a nice lady and i along with her better than i do the other lady in the office. which isn't to say we hate each other, we just aren't necessarily the types who get along like best friends or whatever. actually, last week and up till now, work has actually been pretty busy. it's just all of a sudden, today and tomorrow, we'll be... dead. basically. heh.

soccer wise, i'm playing summer outdoor. i'm still taking a break from indoor at both the places i play. one place has gotten really ghetto and crappy, and i don't think we're going to play there any more. so technically, only one indoor place now, but i think i'll be playing on two teams. one on wednesday evenings (once summer season ends and i'm not on the hurricanes anymore) and then back to sunday evenings. fall season will be a bit harsh since it'll be back to two games on sunday, but it'll be good as well. i miss being CRAZY active.

i've also started seeing someone. woo! still new, still figuring things out, but it's good. i cling to my friends a lot i think, but i don't cling to the people that i date. i like my space and i want my own, separate life. i don't think of myself as that person who gives up her friends when she starts a relationship with someone else (then again, who does? >_>), and i don't think i act like it either (again, who does?) but i am starting to feel a little guilty about not spending time with my roommates and people i know via law school and danielle. they're pretty busy studying for the bar, but danielle texts me a lot and asks if i want to go for a drink and stuff. and i do WANT to, but when i get home after work/working out, i don't really want to change or shower and then head out again. i'm too tired. >_< or, on the weekends, i've got other plans. the thing is, i MAKE plans. through soccer i've found people to hang out with and stuff, and i do love hanging out with my roommates (we had a 4th of july potluck party that ROCKED), but when people plan things ahead of time with me, what else can i do, y'know? so unless i know ahead of time, i usually have other things going on. but danielle and my roommates don't schedule things ahead of time. there's no need for them to really. they're all already on the same basic schedule with barbri and the bar and studying and stuff. i end up scheduling a lot of stuff around soccer anyways, since i play so much, and when a game is at like 4 or 5 pm on sunday, it kind of ruins hanging out time since in the evenings, people need to study. ah well. i really just need to suck it up and make more of an effort i think, but at the same time, i don't necessarily feel as close to law school people as i do my soccer friends and stuff. i feel closest to danielle, and she's really the one i feel the most guilty about not seeing as much lately. eh. i think really, i just need to work on my time management. i hate having such a scheduled life. >_< i want to be able to do things spontaneously! but eh. it happens. we'll see. hmmm.

i also NEED/MUST get my act together and apply back to school and crap. i can't work at this job forever. i want to be done with school so i can move to the city or something. it's weird. well, not weird, but problematic. i want to live in SF, but all of my friends and soccer connections, etc. live in the south bay. why hello conundrum! ah well. we'll see.

aaaand now back to work. or pretending at least. >_>
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