Jun 05, 2004 01:19
Talk about the night from hell....well it wasn't that bad but it ended really crappy! And to think that getting off work early is supposed to be a good thing.
So i get off work at 8 and hoping to be able to do something fun for a change,, wrong! I get to sit at home till about 11:45 when alissa finally gets fed up with waiting around and we end up going to the bowling alley like we were supposed to do about two hours ago.
So we get there and it ended up being just me ash and alissa bowling because everyone else stood us up or was too late. So we start to bowl and drama starts to unfold......
Telephone was the name of the game tonight and it had everyone pissed off.....hoping to have a good time my attitude quickly changed when everyone was getting mad and no one wanted to bowl anymore........
All i wanted to do was have some fun with my friends and i couldn't even do that. So i end up not talking to anyone and ticking off more people and i just left....i couldn't handle it anymore....and now here i am....i probably pissed off people off that wasn't necessary and i apologize for that, i did't intend to i was just fed up and tired.
Some night, i just hope that tomorrow can be better and that tonight doesn't cause any trouble that's not necessary!